Change Request : Increase Number of Latest Topics

Since the additional courses have been added / will be added, it has created empty space which could be used to display an increased number of Latest topics on the categories page. Currently 20 are displayed without the need to click on the More button, there is potentially room for an additional 15-20.

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Something that would work as well, or better, but would require more programming, is make the “More” button actually add more without you losing your place (like the More function in Dos and Unix, or the newer “Less” function in Linux). Currently hitting “More” just reloads a new page with a larger number of topics and you have to scroll past the ones you already scanned.

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That would indeed be nice, I suffer the same issue, e.g. losing where I’ve got to when the full page loads… I think this is the default behaviour of the product though…

One thing personally with this section, would possibly be a preference selection to select what forum main sections you want to see latest topics from. just that I dont follow the Unreal course for instance. so I could choose to only show latest topics in sections that are relavent to me.

I would imagine its a SQL query, so you could select what main courses forum sections you want the query to show. Just a thought.

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Hey @OboShape ,

  • Click your profile icon

  • Click the preferences icon (:gear:)

  • Scroll down to Categories

  • Add the name of the category you are not interested in within the Muted field;

  • Click Save Changes

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oh man… never crossed my mind to try muting :frowning:

Cheers for that Rob

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No worries Daz :slight_smile:

At first I thought there was no setting, when doing a search for latest I came up with the results in the image below. Then I found categories topics only by searching for the previous setting value (20). @codinghorror note it may be worth adding a searchable note about the fact this setting impacts the number of latest items on desktop homepage.

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