
I was confused heading into the challenge on this video because I had thought we were doing the exact opposite as what you just did. I thought I had to use the Rpc method to set the display name again. I was struggling and couldn’t complete the challenge because of this.

I would suggest changing the first bullet point on the challenge slide to read something like “Create a method beginning with rpc to log the name we just set.” I think this would make it more clear what we had to do. The fourth bullet point I took as an extra thing to do as opposed to the main reason for the method.

Could just be me though. Wanted to give the feedback just in case though.

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I feel like this challenge was a little confusing too. There was too much chatter going on to accompany this slide. Whether all that talk confuses others or not I don’t know but I feel like some of it could be cut out for clarity, or it could’ve been explained elsewhere in the video, before the challenge slide.

Edit: To add to James’ suggestion, I think instead of changing the first dot point you could put the purpose as the title of the slide. I agree with James where if you were to be shown this slide the outcome isn’t entirely clear.

Another minor point, I don’t know if it’s mentioned previously but it might be worth dropping in somewhere that beginning the method with Rpc isn’t required it’s just recommended for being able to follow your code.

It will be quite difficult to re-do the challenge due to the git repo being buried deep with other code on top of all this but I could do a better job at explaining the challenge.

Also, beginning Rpcs with Rpc isn’t just recommended but it’s actually required (explained here:

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That’s really interesting, Nathan! I’ve never come across anything that requires a certain prefix to the variable name.

I’m not sure the exact reason why but it’s a design choice the Mirror team (or maybe the Unet team) made so yeah :smiley: Perhaps for improved readability? Who knows haha

I’ve just made a patch (not live as of writing this) that makes the challenge a bit shorter and also makes sure to explain that the Rpc method will be logging the new name. Hope this helps!

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i have a problem in that there is no option to reset the name when i right click on the client

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