Castle's Unity Package archive is broken

HI! I was not able to use the " * Castle Prototype" because after unziping I just had bunch of strange folders (with long names) and was not able to find there “.unitypackage” itself. Maybe, the problem was caused because I have MacOS.

We’ve seen this before with opening some UnityPackages in MacOS. Because Unity actually uses Zip to package the .unityPackage, MacOS sometimes gets the wrong idea when opening the Zip and proceeds to also unpack the .unityPackage within the Zip.

Interestingly enough, while MacOS’s built in unzip utility makes this mistake, most 3rd party zip solutions are able to open the zip properly and leave you with a .unityPackage

I’ll see about getting the straight .unityPackage posted instead of a zipped .unityPackage.

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