Caprica_Kirito's Showcase Thread 🖖

Weeell, back to Animation…

8_cd_bcc Quick Textures
for this one, I made two new models and then grabbed one from my first time the Complete Blender Creator course for the third…

Ironically, while the queen took the most time to complete, it was the die-6 that was the hardest to texture!

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Texture for my block person. I think it could certainly be improved but, I’m honestly surprised by how well I was able to draw with my graphics tablet.

I like the colour scheme, it looks like a woodsman.

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Back to the Chess Set for this one…
(Complete Blender Creator Section 4)

Got my Chess Set Material figured out :crossed_fingers: and reimported it to the pawn.

and finished up the Bishop as well. Ran into a few issues with the UVUnwrap process and ended up having to unwrap the notch separately from the rest of the piece. In the end, I am happy with the way it looks though.

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The texture looks really good and perfectly unwrapped. Well done.

Working in the BCC course once again…

I think I’ve finally found a node set up that produces a marble effect that lives up to the image in my mind :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:

first the generated texture rendered in cycles

then after baking and reapplying as an image texture, rendered in cycles

then after baking and reapplying as an image texture, rendered in Eevee with 1/2 the lighting


Michael challenged me to make at least 3 custom bones for use in the Character Creator course. This is my complete set


Here’s a short little animation I did for BCC Sec 4 Lect 81 showing the workings of Blender’s physics engine. Of course, I had to drop down to v2.78c to do it since physics still aren’t working correctly in v2.80.

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For the Squash and Stretch Lesson

In Eevee

Updated Sat Apr 06 2019 13:43
In Cycles

Bone-Based Squish and Stretch
in Eevee

In Cycles

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So I told my wife earlier tonight that if I had to animate one more ball during this course I was going to shot the f’ing thing…

[hangs head in shame]
she thought I meant from a cannon and it sounded like a good idea

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Back to the Chess Scene for this post
At the end of Lecture 79 (19_cp_cbc) my set looks like this


Been working on the “Anticipation” lesson in Character Creator and here are my final videos



Been a while for this thread and honestly I’m just a bit toasted after today.

First, is the Surround for the Chess Board in CBC Sec 4
Seemed like there were some serious problems with today’s version of blender Blender as I spent an hour or more trying to get it to Unwrap the model correctly… I finally gave up and just manually shaped the UV Map.

Then it was on to the Procedural Textures for the board. While I’m not planning on using it here is the result (I absolutely love this one)

Then on to the queen. And at some point between doing the Surround and starting the Queen, the Remove Doubles command disappeared (:rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage: Microsoft :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:}

I got going on the Knight as well, sadly I’m once again fighting with the UV Unwrap so no pic of that one.

Updated Sun May 05 2019 08:23
After quite a bit of fiddling I finally managed to get a UV Unwrap I could live with. But now I’m not really likent the knight… guess there’s some organic object modeling practice in my future.

Getting Caught up…

The first of today’s projects was the King. For this one I chose to leave the tiny little ball off the top of the cross.

next, is finishing up the Chess Scene itself.

And here it is in a posed position…

This shot was just intended to show the posed game from a different perspective but actually works quite well to show the second camera in my scene.

And finally, the third camera added just for the “Multiple Cameras” Challenge.

And of course, who can forget about the wonderful fun of playing with settings I really don’t understand…


Had to take a bit of a break but finally got back too it. Here is the design concept for my Animated lamp…

After a bit of dinking about while I tried to figure out why I couldn’t edit my GP strokes, (Note to Self: you can’t edit a stroke made with a Locked Grease Pencil Material) here is my video for the “Intro to the Grease Pencil” Video:

You are awesome sir… For how long you are using…?

Probably you already know it, but the remove doubles command has changed the name to “merge by distance” . :+1:t2:

I’ve been using v2.80 since February, or maybe late January, Doing these two videos actually revealed a new posibility to me about animating the Grease pencil… you don’t actually have to redraw the object to change it’s position (ie: rotating the lampshade or changing the position of the arms).

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