Caprica_Kirito's Showcase Thread 🖖

Blender Environmental Artist
Section 4: Sketching Geometry

2-sg-bec Adding a Grease Pencil Layer
with mouse

with Graphics Tablet

5-sg-bec Converting Your Sketch to a Curve

4-sg-bec Editing Grease Pencil Strokes

6-sg-bec Making a Curve 3 Dimensional

8-sg-bec Subsurface Scattering in Eevee
With the Cycles Engine

With the Eevee Engine.

9-sg-bec Drawing on a Surface

11-sg-bec Snapping to the Grease Pencil


12-sg-bec Bend Angle

13-sg-bec Optimising and Clean-up: Disolve

15-sg-bec Joining Curve and Mesh Data

16-sg-bec Fun with Arrays

17-sg-bec Particle System Basics



Thanks, I’m linking a lot of posts into this thread to bring it up to date.

The water is a simple plane with some displacement modifiers.

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Complete Blender Creator - v2.8 Remaster
Section 1: Getting Going

4-gg-cbc Object Transforms

5-gg-cbc Duplication

5a-gg-cbc Your First Materials

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Complete Blender Creator - v2.8 Remaster
Section 2: Your First Model in Blender 2.8

6-bk-cbc Extruding in Blender

7-bk-cbc Pivot Points

9-bk-cbc Mid-Section Challenge

15-bk-cbc Mistakes When Subdividing a Surface

17bk_cbc The Snapping Tool

19-bk-cbc Using the Array Modifier

_21-bk-cbc Finish Your Mayan Pyramid


The 2D Game Artist
Section 1: Emotion Icons

7b-ei-gmp An Outline Story
Surprise%20Face Heart Bowling%20Pins

9-ei-gmp Introduction to Value
Man%20with%20leash Dog%20Face park TennisBall

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Miscelaneous Models

I made this chain while exploring the answer to a question:

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Complete Blender Creator (v2.8 Remaster)
Section 3: Bowling Ball and Pins

Bowling Pins


Bowling Scene

*** NOTE: This post brings the thread up to date ***

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Challenge 32 from Complete Blender Creator (v2.8 Remaster)
17-ba-cbc Adding New Scenes_

for this challenge, I started out by copying and pasting the info from my animation file into a new scene within the main “Bowling Scene” File. Once I had that done, I renamed the two scenes “Default” and “Animation” then created a 3rd scene for the actual challenge assignment and named it “Ball Strikes Pins”.

Render of Default Scene:

Render of Ball Strikes Pins Scene:

Outliner at end of Challenge

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So the last couple days I’ve been working on a ship model. Haven’t made it too far as I got to a point where I was trying to do a High poly version of the hull in order to get a proper normal map and realized the dimensions were off. Needless to say, that sent me down a couple of different rabbit trails only to realize that the published specs don’t match the description.

After a bit of fiddling about, I came up with this for a deck plan

That, of course, led to a day and a half of trying to get the shape of the ship right.

Which do you think looks better?

This model is inspired by the description of an Explorer Class Scout found in Nathan Lowell’s ‘Smuggler’s Tales from the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper’.


Started the Character Creator Course today and felt motivated for the 8th challenge so I did this


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for 8-si-bcc I did this simple animation. It took me longer than I would have liked to set it up, mainly due to creating/importing materials, and looked like crud in the Eevee engine so I rendered it in cycles overnight.

While reflecting on my day (I do that often) I realized it looked like crud in Eevee cause I forgot to turn on a bunch of settings (still don’t understand what all the hype about more fraking clicking on boxes is all about) and came back this morning and rendered it with Eevee.

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Really cool, the lighting is amazing. I like the motion blur in Eevee more but I prefer the reflections in Cycles :slight_smile:

and the finall challenge for BCC Section 1 is:

follow the bouncing ball…

BCC Section 2 Lesson 20 Challenge
B2-80_BCC_S02L20_ConstrucionViaDestruction_01 B2-80_BCC_S02L20_ConstrucionViaDestruction_02

BCC Section 2 Lecture 21…

My Prototype human eye. I couldn’t get the material for the cornea to be transparent so it’s still lacking a bit of realism.

Turns out I’ve been fouled by Eevee yet again… I was able to render the cornea just fine in Cycles.

for Blender Character Creator video 31


The Airlust 200 mkt Bulk Freighter

inspired by Nathan Lowell’s Golden Age of the Solar Clipper


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