Can't Get Music to Loop and Other Issues

So I’m actually near the end of this section and my game is pretty much done and ready to share, but I’m having problems with the music. I’m playing all my music through the Persistent Music Instance in the Splash Scene. Since I don’t the music in the Win and Lose Scenes not to loop, and do in the levels, I’ve attempted to control this from the MusicManager Script. So here’s the Script:

And here are the Scenes in Build Settings and an image with the Music Array in the Inspector:

So as you can see in the Inspector, Loop is ticked. But when I play the game, as soon as it goes to the Start scene, Loop becomes unticked, and I even tried to set Loop to True in the Script for the scene. And it’s the same for all scenes where I want it to loop. Now it did loop before I made the modifications to the Script. As I said, the reason I did them in the first place was to get it to stop looping in the Win and Lose scenes. So if someone can tell what the problem is that be great!

Now another problem that’s come from these modification is that music just doesn’t play in the Options scene. The music on the Start scene used to keep playing in the Options scene, but it stops playing when I go there now. Again, I would love if someone could help me figure this out. Thanks!

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