Can't add script component 'PlayerStateMachine'

As in the title,
‘Can’t add script component ‘PlayerStateMachine’ because the script class cannot be found.’

I checked for spelling errors, remade all the scripts written in this course so far, reinstalled .net, vscode (because OF COURSE it’s not highlighting any errors or making suggestions, the F12 thing didn’t work either), and finally scrapped everything and made a new project with the same result.

Can anyone help me fix whatever is the issue? I don’t even know what’s the problem since everything is just broken.

Are there any compiler errors in the console? (The red ones?)

There were no errors in the console, but upon reopening the scene, unity prompted me to enter safe mode to fix compile errors, and there was something about duplicate UR pipeline settings asset in the console. Not entirely sure what happened but removing it fixed the script problem.

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