Camera Occlusion!

I have completed the Shops and Abilities course up through, implementing the initial effects strategies… and everything is great! I am really enjoying the new information, the reinforcement of previous concepts… it’s been great, and super informative!
However, there was an aspect of my own project, that was bugging me for a while, and I couldn’t continue until I figured it out, and got it working! And, that was to fix the camera clipping issues I’ve been having.
Earlier in the course, I created my own custom orbit camera, and I REALLY liked the flexibility it gives the camera view… But I got stumped when trying to implement any occlusion or collision detection, so I just left it… Well, it finally got to me, to the point I couldn’t ignore it any longer, and I am super happy with the results, I achieved! I still need mess with the actual numbers for smoothing, and such, but I’m really happy with the result! (I also changed character Models, the new one fits my narrative, better… :slight_smile: )

check out the results!

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Excellent! Well done!

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