Camera Issues (Inverted and Scroll Locks)

Hi everyone,

Is anyone having issues on video 38 (Multiplayer-RTS tut) with the camera movement? After this lecture I noticed that my camera set-up acted odd compared to the instructors.

For one, my camera was inverted. If I pressed Left arrow or the A key, the Camera would move right. Same with moving my cursor to the edges of the screen, inverted results. (Compared to instructors results at the end of the class)

Also, sometimes when I (button) mash, I have noticed that the scrolling will get locked and the Camera will continue surfing in one direction even though I’ve let go of the keys. I remember the instructor saying that this Input System sent two indicators, when something started, and when something stopped. Is it possible that my mashing causes this system to lock up?

What I’ve done:
Re-watched the episode to see if I missed anything.
Tried fixing the issue myself.
Compared my code to Github code.
Confirmed my Input System Controls file was set up identically (and correctly (W wasn’t switched with S or something)).

What I am wondering:
Why did we go about using this input system? Is it over-all just more powerful then the Unity one?

This is a great class and I really appreciate the instructors insight in the world of Game Design!


Figured out what my issue was. I wanted the tanks to be spawned in a certain way, and I did not adjust the tanks rotation correctly but instead adjusted the spawn points rotation! Which trickled pretty damn far apparently @_@

However, I still see issues with the camera taking off upon user input (on occasion). Considering the first part of this problem had to do with me, I’ll keep investigating.

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