Buttons don't click in right location

My plus and minus buttons seem to be clickable slightly to the right. If I click on the lefthandside nothing happens. If I click outside of the button on the right it works. This is without any changes to the file from Git.

Is it only that? or more things when youre using your UI cursor? else it could be your hotspot

The cursor hotspot isn’t set correctly in the Git repo. Try changing the hotspots in PlayerController to 6,3

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Thanks Brian. Thought it might be something like that. Was looking at the button prefab. Thought about the cursor settings but didn’t know where to look. 6,3 works much better!

You were right. Hotspot!

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What’s interesting is that Rick shows setting the hotspot in the RPG course, and somehow between then and the current repo, the hotspots got lost. You can even see Sam struggling with clicking on some buttons in a few of the videos. The hotspot offset isn’t terribly noticeable until you start doing those tiny +/- buttons in the Shop UI, then it sticks out like a sore thumb.

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