Building Escape V2 Rebooted

I have since completed Battle Tank so i have come back to start revamping building escape.
Replaced the textures from the original just to give me working light.
Added a FPS controller (Cheating a bit but modifying already)
Removed gun firing and replaced grabber
Added main menu
Fixed bug in blueprint where controls were not worknig after transisition from main menu
Changed skybox and directional light to create external lighting.
Added a temporary landscape.

This is just the start of where i intend to go with this as i incorporate more of battle tank into puzzles and maybe more when i start testing grounds.
A bit of a surprise for @Ben, @sampattuzzi and @Michael_Bridges as i’ve done three courses with them and this will be the first project i have felt comfortable with to progress out of my comfort zone.

The intial screenshot is from the first pass.

And videos of new


Awesome job, I love to see people go back and improve previous projects like this


Thanks @Ben, I am learning a great deal already just from this little exercise from all the course i have taken with you guys.
I had an issue where i wanted to have two items run off begin play (The player UI and the grabber sound), As its likely the only the BG music i will add to that i saw no harm in using a sequencer to use more on begin play.
It works fine but i imagine there would be a better way to do this in larger projects.
I’ll keep updating as i progress.

After thought :- Warning to others, Using the Unreal FPS blueprint means you will find that your character will not fit though the doors as they catch on the doorframes. I scaled the character down to 0.8 and this solved my issue.

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That is very cool! Great job.


Added laser sound for grabber.
Added Footsteps sounds for forward vector motion (sideways vectors to come)
Added BGM
Added UI dot to assist with grabber aiming.

Lots of blueprints but already seeing where i can change it over to C++ in a future revision (Which is possibly soon due to sideways vectors apparantly ignoring velocity)


Awesome job!


Decided to completel redo the footsteps and this allowed me to get the side step i was after.
Running and Jumping is the next challenge but i am thinking more C++ with that in the of keypress shift increases the move speed and then returns to normal value on release.
But i digress.

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Added back firing,
Moved the grabber to another key for functionality,
Footsteps re-added,
Jump sound added and landing on surface types.
Third person guards added,
AI Perception working on jumping and footstep sounds.
AI Perception working on sight.
TriggerBox working for in scene scream.


EPIC work! Ha get it?


I guess you could say it’s Unreal!!! :laughing:


Not much change in the graphical sense.
Added sprint (Need to sort out animation run speeds which in turn should fix the footstep sync issue)
AI system from testing grounds implemented (Have a few ideas on expalnsion of this)
Moved doors and frames as third and first person characters cannot fit though the doors (Will replace them entirely at some point and resize)
Changed background sound.

No projectile for firing is an issue but assets did not get imported and i think my dot is out of alignment.

Lots to do and lots to learn but its coming along now.


It’s getting very atmospheric, I jumped at one point… lol… looking good :slight_smile:

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Thank-you :slight_smile:
I just actually finished adding a torch which you can switch on and off with the tab key (Useds 3 spots to create rings).
Next is to fix the run speed animations and footstep noises.
I relented a bit and bought a abandoned manor pack as was £14 instead of £55 but want toe core game together before i start building levels too much. I may build one to show it off once i figure out how navmeshes work accross two floors (Or more!)


Sound like great plans, will look forward to seeing the next version - keep us all updated :slight_smile:

(I’m holding out to see one of the NPC get blasted at some point too :wink: )

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stunning. The scream definitely got me.

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Thanks @sampattuzzi
I’m actually struggling with something at the moment and i hope the course will cover it a little further on.
My current footstep system does not incorporate move speed which is a pain as now i have added crouch and sprint the animations and sounds are out of sync.
I know there is a way to do it but using a data only blueprint referenced in C++ for the physics materials and the sounds associated with that physics material.

I was wondering would something like this be covered as i’m going around in circles at the moment. (Will probably put it aside as a minor TODO fix and flesh out a level).

Thanks in advance

Put it aside for now. I’m not sure if we will be covering or not but I assume the same issue is likely to come up in testing grounds.

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The Sneaky graphical peak!
Added in more atmospheric sounds inc monster growl
Whole new level sample
Added Flashlight,Crouch and Sprint


It seems like you monster definitely needs to get offensive soon! We will me working on that in the Testing Grounds section in the upcoming videos.


Pre-warn us before you add that though eh, it’s getting quite scary now - a heads up before I get jump scared (as my son refers to it) would be beneficial :slight_smile:

Nice work @Marc_Carlyon - I’m getting a sense that you are really enjoying creating this :slight_smile:

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