I have since completed Battle Tank so i have come back to start revamping building escape.
Replaced the textures from the original just to give me working light.
Added a FPS controller (Cheating a bit but modifying already)
Removed gun firing and replaced grabber
Added main menu
Fixed bug in blueprint where controls were not worknig after transisition from main menu
Changed skybox and directional light to create external lighting.
Added a temporary landscape.
This is just the start of where i intend to go with this as i incorporate more of battle tank into puzzles and maybe more when i start testing grounds.
A bit of a surprise for @Ben, @sampattuzzi and @Michael_Bridges as i’ve done three courses with them and this will be the first project i have felt comfortable with to progress out of my comfort zone.
The intial screenshot is from the first pass.
And videos of new