Building_Escape cannot be compiled, try rebuilding from source manually

I started to create this new project Building_Escape, same as the course when I created it showed this;

:/Unreal Engine/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Win64 -Project=“F:/Unreal Engine/Unreal/Building_Escape/Building_Escape.uproject” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoEngineChanges -NoHotReloadFromIDE
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.Exception: Unable to open log file for writing (C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt) —> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt’ is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path)
at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 248
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 257
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 126
at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String ArgumentsArray) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 550
I will include all the pictures
Then there were 2 options 1st, Open with visual studio code 2nd, Cancel
I selected the 1st ( Open with visual studio code )
I didnt knew what to do here in VS code so i closed the windows of VS code and UE4 and then again opened UE4, under select a project I clicked more then I clicked browse and I browsed the place where I created the Project after I opened it, it showed Building_Escape cannot be compiled, try rebuilding from source manually. The reason I went to browse my project ( Building_Escape ) instead of just opening from “My Projects” was it was not there in the list.!
Please help I have tried all the other solutions in the community and on the web :sob:!!!
build manually|690x382 Compile error

Press Windows Key + R and type %localappdata% and then right click UnrealBuildTool then properties then go to Security.

What are the various permissions for that folder for the different user groups?

P.S. That first screenshot is impossible to read.

1 Like

When I press Windows Key + R and type %localappdata% I get this (Screenshot included)
And the text in the first screen short I copy, pasted in my Question details from - :/Unreal Engine…To lBuildTool.cs:line 550
I copy and pasted it because it was not possible to take a clear screenshot.

Ok so it seems like it wasn’t even able to make that folder.

  1. Do you have enough space on that drive?
  2. If you go up one directory what are the permissions (steps above) on that i.e. “AppData/Local”
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I have a lot of free space on the drive.
AppData/Local has the following permissions :-
(Full control
Read and execute
List folder contents
These permissions it has ( all permissions except special permission )

For all groups?

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Yes the permission is for all groups.

Then I’m a little confused. Are you able to make a blueprint project?

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Yes I tried making a blueprint project instead of a C++ and nothing wrong happened in the blueprint project.

And then I assume if you tried File > New C++ Class > (Any class) from within that project it isn’t able to compile?

Could you try verifying your engine installation?

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First I tried adding a new class and it couldnt compile and showed the following log
LogPlatformFile: Not using cached read wrapper
LogTaskGraph: Started task graph with 5 named threads and 20 total threads with 3 sets of task threads.
LogStats: Stats thread started at 0.243147
LogD3D11RHI: Loaded GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll
LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +5:30, Platform Override: ‘’
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Paper2D
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AISupport
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LightPropagationVolume
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CameraShakePreviewer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorLayerUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AnimationSharing
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CLionSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CodeLiteSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GitSourceControl
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin KDevelopSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NullSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PerforceSourceControl
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PlasticSourceControl
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RiderSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SubversionSourceControl
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UObjectPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VisualStudioCodeSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VisualStudioSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin XCodeSourceCodeAccess
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetManagerEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CryptoKeys
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CurveEditorTools
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DataValidation
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditorScriptingUtilities
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin FacialAnimation
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GameplayTagsEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryMode
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MacGraphicsSwitching
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MaterialAnalyzer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MobileLauncherProfileWizard
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PluginBrowser
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SpeedTreeImporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin DatasmithContent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin VariantManagerContent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AlembicImporter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AutomationUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin BackChannel
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosCloth
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosClothEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosNiagara
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ChaosSolverPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CharacterAI
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryCache
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryCollectionPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GeometryProcessing
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PlanarCut
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PlatformCrypto
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProxyLODPlugin
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SkeletalReduction
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Niagara
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MagicLeap
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MagicLeapLightEstimation
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MagicLeapMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MagicLeapPassableWorld
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MLSDK
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AndroidMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AvfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ImgMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaCompositing
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MediaPlayerEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WebMMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WmfMedia
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MeshPainting
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TcpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin UdpMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ActorSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LevelSequenceEditor
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MatineeToLevelSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MovieRenderPipeline
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin TemplateSequence
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NetcodeUnitTest
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin NUTUnrealEngine4
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemIOS
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystem
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemNull
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OnlineSubsystemUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LauncherChunkInstaller
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AndroidDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AndroidMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AndroidPermission
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AppleImageUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AppleMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ArchVisCharacter
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AssetTags
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin AudioCapture
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CableComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin CustomMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin EditableMesh
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ExampleDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GoogleCloudMessaging
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin GooglePAD
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin IOSDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LinuxDeviceProfileSelector
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin LocationServicesBPLibrary
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin MobilePatchingUtils
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin OculusVR
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PhysXVehicles
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin PostSplashScreen
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ProceduralMeshComponent
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin RuntimePhysXCooking
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SignificanceManager
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SoundFields
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin SteamVR
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin Synthesis
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WebMMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin WindowsMoviePlayer
LogPluginManager: Mounting plugin ScreenshotTools
LogInit: Using libcurl 7.55.1-DEV
LogInit: - built for x86_64-pc-win32
LogInit: - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1
LogInit: - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.8
LogInit: - other features:
LogInit: CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
LogInit: - bVerifyPeer = true - Libcurl will verify peer certificate
LogInit: - bUseHttpProxy = false - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
LogInit: - bDontReuseConnections = false - Libcurl will reuse connections
LogInit: - MaxHostConnections = 16 - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
LogInit: - LocalHostAddr = Default
LogInit: - BufferSize = 65536
LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: NULL
LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
LogOnline: OSS: TryLoadSubsystemAndSetDefault: Loaded subsystem for module [NULL]
LogInit: Build: ++UE4+Release-4.25-CL-13942748
LogInit: Engine Version: 4.25.3-13942748+++UE4+Release-4.25
LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 4.25.0-13144385+++UE4+Release-4.25
LogInit: Net CL: 13144385
LogInit: OS: Windows 10 (Release 1909) (), CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz, GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Jul 25 2020 02:07:48
LogInit: Compiled with Visual C++: 19.24.28315.00
LogInit: Build Configuration: Development
LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE4+Release-4.25
LogInit: Command Line:
LogInit: Base Directory: F:/Unreal Engine/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/Win64/
LogInit: Allocator: TBB
LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Number of dev versions registered: 26
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Blueprints (B0D832E4-1F89-4F0D-ACCF-7EB736FD4AA2): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Build (E1C64328-A22C-4D53-A36C-8E866417BD8C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Core (375EC13C-06E4-48FB-B500-84F0262A717E): 4
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Editor (E4B068ED-F494-42E9-A231-DA0B2E46BB41): 38
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Framework (CFFC743F-43B0-4480-9391-14DF171D2073): 37
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Mobile (B02B49B5-BB20-44E9-A304-32B752E40360): 2
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Networking (A4E4105C-59A1-49B5-A7C5-40C4547EDFEE): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Online (39C831C9-5AE6-47DC-9A44-9C173E1C8E7C): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics (78F01B33-EBEA-4F98-B9B4-84EACCB95AA2): 4
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Platform (6631380F-2D4D-43E0-8009-CF276956A95A): 0
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Rendering (12F88B9F-8875-4AFC-A67C-D90C383ABD29): 43
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Sequencer (7B5AE74C-D270-4C10-A958-57980B212A5A): 12
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-VR (D7296918-1DD6-4BDD-9DE2-64A83CC13884): 3
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-LoadTimes (C2A15278-BFE7-4AFE-6C17-90FF531DF755): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Private-Geometry (6EACA3D4-40EC-4CC1-B786-8BED09428FC5): 3
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-AnimPhys (29E575DD-E0A3-4627-9D10-D276232CDCEA): 17
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Anim (AF43A65D-7FD3-4947-9873-3E8ED9C1BB05): 7
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-ReflectionCapture (6B266CEC-1EC7-4B8F-A30B-E4D90942FC07): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Automation (0DF73D61-A23F-47EA-B727-89E90C41499A): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: FortniteMain (601D1886-AC64-4F84-AA16-D3DE0DEAC7D6): 31
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Enterprise (9DFFBCD6-494F-0158-E221-12823C92A888): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Niagara (F2AED0AC-9AFE-416F-8664-AA7FFA26D6FC): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Destruction (174F1F0B-B4C6-45A5-B13F-2EE8D0FB917D): 10
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-Physics-Ext (35F94A83-E258-406C-A318-09F59610247C): 37
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-PhysicsMaterial-Chaos (B68FC16E-8B1B-42E2-B453-215C058844FE): 1
LogDevObjectVersion: Dev-CineCamera (B2E18506-4273-CFC2-A54E-F4BB758BBA07): 1
LogInit: Presizing for max 25165824 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.FlushStreamingOnExit:1]]
LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[con.DebugEarlyDefault:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.setres:1280x720]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VSync:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RHICmdBypass:0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.GPUCrashDebugging:0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.RendererOverrideSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.StreamingSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.MinBulkDataSizeForAsyncLoading:131072]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.AsyncLoadingThreadEnabled:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.EventDrivenLoaderEnabled:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.WarnIfTimeLimitExceeded:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMultiplier:1.5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.TimeLimitExceededMinTime:0.005]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UseBackgroundLevelStreaming:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityAsyncLoadingExtraTime:15.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingActorsUpdateTimeLimit:5.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.PriorityLevelStreamingActorsUpdateExtraTime:5.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsRegistrationGranularity:10]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.UnregisterComponentsTimeLimit:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.LevelStreamingComponentsUnregistrationGranularity:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[s.FlushStreamingOnExit:1]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.GarbageCollectionSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.SizeOfPermanentObjectPool:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.FlushStreamingOnGC:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.NumRetriesBeforeForcingGC:10]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.AllowParallelGC:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects:61.1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MaxObjectsInEditor:25165824]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.IncrementalBeginDestroyEnabled:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.CreateGCClusters:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.MinGCClusterSize:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.ActorClusteringEnabled:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers:0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/Engine.NetworkSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [/Script/UnrealEd.CookerSettings] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VT.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.HalfResSceneColor:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSGI.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque:1 ; Always have FastSkyLUT 1 in this case to avoid wrong sky]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.SampleCountPerSlice:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.DepthResolution:16.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMax:32.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMax:32.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.UseSmallFormat:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.SampleCount:10.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.MultiScatteringLUT.SampleCount:15.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.SampleCount:16]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.JitterIntegration:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyAO.SampleCount:16]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.SuperSampling:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.VisibilityPPLL:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.RasterizationScale:0.5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.VelocityRasterizationScale:1]]
LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [Windows]
LogInit: Applying CVar settings loaded from the selected device profile: [Windows]
LogHAL: Display: Platform has ~ 8 GB [8531472384 / 8589934592 / 8], which maps to Default [LargestMinGB=32, LargerMinGB=12, DefaultMinGB=8, SmallerMinGB=6, SmallestMinGB=0)
LogInit: Going up to parent DeviceProfile
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ViewDistanceQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkeletalMeshLODBias:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ViewDistanceScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [AntiAliasingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.PostProcessAAQuality:4]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadowQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightFunctionQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ShadowQuality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades:10]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxResolution:2048]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution:2048]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold:0.01]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.DistanceScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.CSM.TransitionScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Shadow.PreShadowResolutionFactor:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldShadowing:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DistanceFieldAO:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AOQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ:128]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VolumetricFog.HistoryMissSupersampleCount:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightMaxDrawDistanceScale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.CapsuleShadows:1]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [PostProcessQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MotionBlurQuality:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMipLevelFactor:0.4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionMaxQuality:100]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionLevels:-1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.AmbientOcclusionRadiusScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DepthOfFieldQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RenderTargetPoolMin:400]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LensFlareQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFringeQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EyeAdaptationQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.BloomQuality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.FastBlurThreshold:100]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Upscale.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.LightShaftQuality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Filter.SizeScale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Tonemapper.Quality:5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.AccumulatorQuality:1 ; higher gathering accumulator quality]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.PostfilterMethod:1 ; Median3x3 postfilering method]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation when gathering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Gather.RingCount:4 ; medium number of samples when gathering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.ForegroundCompositing:1 ; additive foreground scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.BackgroundCompositing:2 ; additive background scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.EnableBokehSettings:1 ; bokeh simulation when scattering]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Scatter.MaxSpriteRatio:0.1 ; only a maximum of 10% of scattered bokeh]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.Quality:1 ; cheap slight out of focus]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Recombine.EnableBokehSettings:0 ; no bokeh simulation on slight out of focus]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.TemporalAAQuality:1 ; more stable temporal accumulation]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxForegroundRadius:0.025]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DOF.Kernel.MaxBackgroundRadius:0.025]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [TextureQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MipBias:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.AmortizeCPUToGPUCopy:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxNumTexturesToStreamPerFrame:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.Boost:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.VT.MaxAnisotropy:8]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.PoolSize:1000]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.Streaming.MaxEffectiveScreenSize:0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [EffectsQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyLightingVolumeDim:64]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.RefractionQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSR.HalfResSceneColor:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SceneColorFormat:4]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.DetailMode:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.TranslucencyVolumeBlur:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.MaterialQualityLevel:1 ; High quality]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Scale:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.SampleSet:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.Quality:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSS.HalfRes:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SSGI.Quality:3]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.EmitterSpawnRateScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.ParticleLightQuality:2]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.FastApplyOnOpaque:1 ; Always have FastSkyLUT 1 in this case to avoid wrong sky]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.SampleCountPerSlice:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.AerialPerspectiveLUT.DepthResolution:16.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.FastSkyLUT.SampleCountMax:32.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMin:4.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.SampleCountMax:32.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.UseSmallFormat:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.TransmittanceLUT.SampleCount:10.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.SkyAtmosphere.MultiScatteringLUT.SampleCount:15.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [FoliageQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[foliage.DensityScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[grass.DensityScale:1.0]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ShadingQuality@3] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Scalability.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.SampleCount:16]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyLighting.JitterIntegration:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.SkyAO.SampleCount:16]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.DeepShadow.SuperSampling:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.VisibilityPPLL:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.RasterizationScale:0.5]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[r.HairStrands.VelocityRasterizationScale:1]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [Startup] File […/…/…/Engine/Config/ConsoleVariables.ini]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[net.UseAdaptiveNetUpdateFrequency:0]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[p.chaos.AllowCreatePhysxBodies:1]]
LogConfig: Setting CVar [[fx.SkipVectorVMBackendOptimizations:1]]
LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini]
LogInit: Computer: DESKTOP-1MO5CHR
LogInit: User: MISBAHSB
LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=6
LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz
LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=7.9GB (8GB approx)
LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for Windows
LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 113.84 MB used, 113.85 MB peak
LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 95.89 MB used, 95.89 MB peak
LogMemory: Physical Memory: 4949.66 MB used, 3186.59 MB free, 8136.25 MB total
LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 5102.77 MB used, 134212624.00 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
LogWindows: WindowsPlatformFeatures enabled
LogInit: Physics initialised using underlying interface: PhysX
LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US).
LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-IN).
LogTextLocalizationManager: No specific localization for ‘en-US’ exists, so the ‘en’ localization will be used.
LogInit: Setting process to per monitor DPI aware
LogSlate: New Slate User Created. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
LogSlate: Slate User Registered. User Index 0, Is Virtual User: 0
LogHMD: Failed to initialize OpenVR with code 110
LogD3D11RHI: D3D11 min allowed feature level: 11_0
LogD3D11RHI: D3D11 max allowed feature level: 11_0
LogD3D11RHI: D3D11 adapters:
LogD3D11RHI: 0. ‘NVIDIA GeForce GT 710’ (Feature Level 11_0)
LogD3D11RHI: 2007/0/4068 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:1, VendorId:0x10de
LogD3D11RHI: 1. ‘Microsoft Basic Render Driver’ (Feature Level 11_0)
LogD3D11RHI: 0/0/4068 MB DedicatedVideo/DedicatedSystem/SharedSystem, Outputs:0, VendorId:0x1414
LogD3D11RHI: Chosen D3D11 Adapter: 0
LogD3D11RHI: Creating new Direct3DDevice
LogD3D11RHI: GPU DeviceId: 0x128b (for the marketing name, search the web for “GPU Device Id”)
LogWindows: EnumDisplayDevices:
LogWindows: 0. ‘NVIDIA GeForce GT 710’ (P:1 D:1)
LogWindows: 1. ‘NVIDIA GeForce GT 710’ (P:0 D:0)
LogWindows: 2. ‘NVIDIA GeForce GT 710’ (P:0 D:0)
LogWindows: DebugString: FoundDriverCount:3
LogD3D11RHI: Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710
LogD3D11RHI: Driver Version: 456.38 (internal:, unified:456.38)
LogD3D11RHI: Driver Date: 9-14-2020
LogRHI: Texture pool is 1404 MB (70% of 2007 MB)
LogD3D11RHI: RHI does not have support for 64 bit atomics
LogD3D11RHI: [Aftermath] Enabled and primed
LogD3D11RHI: Async texture creation enabled
LogD3D11RHI: GPU Timing Frequency: 1000.000000 (Debug: 2 2)
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘AllDesktop’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_ASTC’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_DXT’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_ETC2’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘AndroidClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_ASTCClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_DXTClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_ETC2Client’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_Multi’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Android_MultiClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘IOSClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘IOS’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Linux’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxNoEditor’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxServer’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxAArch64NoEditor’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxAArch64Client’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LinuxAArch64Server’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Lumin’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘LuminClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘TVOSClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘TVOS’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘WindowsNoEditor’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘Windows’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘WindowsClient’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Loaded TargetPlatform ‘WindowsServer’
LogTargetPlatformManager: Display: Building Assets For Windows
LogAudioDebug: Display: Lib vorbis DLL was dynamically loaded.
LogShaderCompilers: Guid format shader working directory is -5 characters bigger than the processId version (C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Intermediate/Shaders/WorkingDirectory/2384/).
LogShaderCompilers: Cleaned the shader compiler working directory ‘C:/Users/MISBAH SB/AppData/Local/Temp/UnrealShaderWorkingDir/FEF67E77466CA05D10559397D6E4A93A/’.
LogXGEController: Cannot use XGE Controller as Incredibuild is not installed on this machine.
LogShaderCompilers: Cannot use XGE Shader Compiler as Incredibuild is not installed on this machine.
LogShaderCompilers: Display: Using Local Shader Compiler.
LogDerivedDataCache: Display: Max Cache Size: 512 MB
LogDerivedDataCache: Loaded boot cache 0.07s 76MB C:/Users/MISBAH SB/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.25/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc.
LogDerivedDataCache: Display: Loaded Boot cache: C:/Users/MISBAH SB/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.25/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc
LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: Pak pak cache file C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/DerivedDataCache/DDC.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Pak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: CompressedPak pak cache file C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node CompressedPak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
LogDerivedDataCache: Display: Pak cache opened for reading …/…/…/Engine/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp.
LogDerivedDataCache: FDerivedDataBackendGraph: EnterprisePak pak cache file …/…/…/Enterprise/DerivedDataCache/Compressed.ddp not found, will not use a pak cache.
LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node EnterprisePak for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
LogDerivedDataCache: Using Local data cache path C:/Users/MISBAH SB/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache: Writable
LogDerivedDataCache: Shared data cache path not found in *engine.ini, will not use an Shared cache.
LogDerivedDataCache: Unable to find inner node Shared for hierarchical cache Hierarchy.
LogSlate: Using FreeType 2.10.0
LogSlate: SlateFontServices - WITH_FREETYPE: 1, WITH_HARFBUZZ: 1
LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.0024 seconds to start up
LogInit: Selected Device Profile: [Windows]
LogMeshReduction: Using QuadricMeshReduction for automatic static mesh reduction
LogMeshReduction: Using SimplygonMeshReduction for automatic skeletal mesh reduction
LogMeshReduction: Using ProxyLODMeshReduction for automatic mesh merging
LogMeshReduction: No distributed automatic mesh merging module available
LogMeshMerging: No distributed automatic mesh merging module available
LogNetVersion: MyProject3 1.0.0, NetCL: 13144385, EngineNetVer: 14, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 528589559)
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem AISubsystem (0000017121940380), frame # 0
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem AIPerceptionSystem (00000171218A4900), frame # 0
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem EnvQueryManager (00000171218E4A00), frame # 0
LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 19 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.217953 seconds
LogUObjectArray: 15917 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
LogUObjectAllocator: 3965568 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool
LogLinker: Warning: Failed to read package file summary, the file “C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Content/MSPresets/MSTextures/Albedo.uasset” is too small (0 bytes, expected at least 32 bytes)
LogTcpMessaging: Initializing TcpMessaging bridge
LogUdpMessaging: Initializing bridge on interface to multicast group
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
LogAndroidPermission: UAndroidPermissionCallbackProxy::GetInstance
LogAudioCaptureCore: Display: No Audio Capture implementations found. Audio input will be silent.
LogAudioCaptureCore: Display: No Audio Capture implementations found. Audio input will be silent.
LogOcInput: OculusInput pre-init called
LogWindows: Failed to load ‘OVRPlugin.dll’ (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File ‘OVRPlugin.dll’ does not exist
LogEngine: Initializing Engine…
LogHMD: Failed to initialize OpenVR with code 110
LogMagicLeap: Warning: VR disabled because ZI is not enabled. To enable, in the editor, Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> Magic Leap Plugin -> Enable Zero Iteration
LogStats: UGameplayTagsManager::InitializeManager - 0.000 s
LogInit: Initializing FReadOnlyCVARCache
LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Untitled
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem EnvQueryManager (000001712B8E6600), frame # 0
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem AIPerceptionSystem (000001712B8D7B00), frame # 0
LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Mixer Platform Settings:
LogAudioMixer: Display: Sample Rate: 48000
LogAudioMixer: Display: Callback Buffer Frame Size Requested: 1024
LogAudioMixer: Display: Callback Buffer Frame Size To Use: 1024
LogAudioMixer: Display: Number of buffers to queue: 2
LogAudioMixer: Display: Max Channels (voices): 32
LogAudioMixer: Display: Number of Async Source Workers: 0
LogAudio: Display: AudioDevice MaxSources: 32
LogAudio: Display: Using built-in audio occlusion.
LogAudioMixer: Display: Initializing audio mixer.
LogAudioMixer: Display: 0: FrontLeft
LogAudioMixer: Display: 1: FrontRight
LogAudioMixer: Display: Using Audio Device Speakers (Realtek® Audio)
LogAudioMixer: Display: Initializing Sound Submixes…
LogAudioMixer: Display: Creating Master Submix ‘MasterSubmixDefault’
LogAudioMixer: Display: Creating Master Submix ‘MasterReverbSubmixDefault’
LogAudioMixer: Display: Creating Master Submix ‘MasterEQSubmixDefault’
LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized.
LogNetVersion: Set ProjectVersion to Version Checksum will be recalculated on next use.
LogDerivedDataCache: Saved boot cache 0.53s 76MB C:/Users/MISBAH SB/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/4.25/DerivedDataCache/Boot.ddc.
LogInit: Texture streaming: Enabled
LogEngineSessionManager: EngineSessionManager initialized
LogEditorSessionSummary: Verbose: Initializing EditorSessionSummaryWriter for editor session tracking
LogEditorSessionSummary: EditorSessionSummaryWriter initialized
LogInit: Transaction tracking system initialized
BlueprintLog: New page: Editor Load
LocalizationService: Localization service is disabled
LogCook: Display: Max memory allowance for cook 16384mb min free memory 0mb
LogCook: Display: Mobile HDR setting 1
LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory ‘C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Content/’ took 0.04s
SourceControl: Source control is disabled
LogUnrealEdMisc: Loading editor; pre map load, took 10.061
Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE=“C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Content/StarterContent/Maps/Minimal_Default.umap” TEMPLATE=0 SHOWPROGRESS=1 FEATURELEVEL=3
LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build
LogWorld: UWorld::CleanupWorld for Untitled, bSessionEnded=true, bCleanupResources=true
LogSlate: InvalidateAllWidgets triggered. All widgets were invalidated
MapCheck: New page: Map Check
LightingResults: New page: Lighting Build
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::~UAISubsystem EnvQueryManager (000001712B8E6600), frame # 0
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::~UAISubsystem AIPerceptionSystem (000001712B8D7B00), frame # 0
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.73ms
LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world Minimal_Default
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem EnvQueryManager (000001711BC95000), frame # 0
LogAISub: UAISubsystem::UAISubsystem AIPerceptionSystem (000001711BBEBB00), frame # 0
LogEditorServer: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.000 secs)
LogUObjectHash: Compacting FUObjectHashTables data took 0.62ms
MapCheck: Map check complete: 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), took 0.163ms to complete.
LogFileHelpers: Loading map ‘Minimal_Default’ took 8.394
LogUnrealEdMisc: Total Editor Startup Time, took 18.462
LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
LogSlate: Updating window title bar state: overlay mode, drag disabled, window buttons hidden, title bar hidden
LogCollectionManager: Loaded 0 collections in 0.002155 seconds
LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory ‘C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Saved/Collections/’ took 0.00s
LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory ‘C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Content/Developers/MISBAHSB/Collections/’ took 0.00s
LogFileCache: Scanning file cache for directory ‘C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/Content/Collections/’ took 0.00s
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy populated in 0.0093 seconds. Added 3427 classes and 821 folders.
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘WidgetCarousel’ in 0.0003 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders.
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘AddContentDialog’ in 0.0003 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders.
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘SceneOutliner’ in 0.0003 seconds. Added 2 classes and 0 folders.
LogSlate: Took 0.000361 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf’ (155K)
LogSlate: Took 0.000383 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf’ (160K)
LogSlate: Took 0.009128 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Editor/Slate/Fonts/FontAwesome.ttf’ (139K)
LogRenderer: Reallocating scene render targets to support 960x376 Format 10 NumSamples 1 (Frame:1).
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘HierarchicalLODOutliner’ in 0.0002 seconds. Added 0 classes and 0 folders.
LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 23.26 seconds
LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total Blueprint compile time: 0.00 seconds
LogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed in 17.7097 seconds
LogCollectionManager: Fixed up redirectors for 0 collections in 0.000002 seconds (updated 0 objects)
LogContentStreaming: Texture pool size now 1000 MB
LogSlate: Took 0.006570 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf’ (167K)
LogSlate: Took 0.000279 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf’ (167K)
LogSlate: WidgetSwitcher (‘None’) active index changed to -1
LogSlate: WidgetSwitcher (‘None’) active index changed to 0
LogSlate: Took 0.000336 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/Roboto-BoldCondensed.ttf’ (158K)
LogSlate: WidgetSwitcher (‘None’) active index changed to 1
Running F:/Unreal Engine/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/MyProject3.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
Binding IntelliSense data…
Binding IntelliSense data… 100%
Writing project files…
Writing project files… 100%
LogHotReload: Recompiling module MyProject3…
Candidate modules for hot reload:
Launching UnrealBuildTool… [F:/Unreal Engine/UE_4.25/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -ModuleWithSuffix=MyProject3,9085 MyProject3Editor Win64 Development -Project=“C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/MyProject3.uproject” “C:/Users/MISBAH SB/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject3/MyProject3.uproject” -IgnoreJunk]
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.Exception: Unable to open log file for writing (C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt) —> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt’ is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path)
at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 248
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 257
at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 126
at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String ArgumentsArray) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 550
CompilerResultsLog: New page: Compilation - 25-Sep-2020, 10:32:19 pm
CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.Exception: Unable to open log file for writing (C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt) —> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\MISBAH SB\AppData\Local\UnrealBuildTool\Log.txt’ is denied.
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.FileStream…ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
CompilerResultsLog: at System.IO.StreamWriter…ctor(String path)
CompilerResultsLog: at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 248
CompilerResultsLog: — End of inner exception stack trace —
CompilerResultsLog: at Tools.DotNETCommon.Log.AddFileWriter(String Name, FileReference OutputFile) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\DotNETCommon\DotNETUtilities\Log.cs:line 257
CompilerResultsLog: at UnrealBuildTool.BuildMode.Execute(CommandLineArguments Arguments) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\Modes\BuildMode.cs:line 126
CompilerResultsLog: at UnrealBuildTool.UnrealBuildTool.Main(String ArgumentsArray) in D:\Build++UE4+Licensee\Sync\Engine\Saved\CsTools\Engine\Source\Programs\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.cs:line 550
LogMainFrame: MainFrame: Module compiling took 0.843 seconds
LogSlate: Window ‘Message’ being destroyed
Message dialog closed, result: Yes, title: Message, text: Successfully added class ‘MyCharacter’, however you must recompile the ‘MyProject3’ module before it will appear in the Content Browser. Failed to compile newly created game module.
Would you like to open the Output Log to see more details?
LogSlate: Window ‘Add C++ Class’ being destroyed
LogSlate: Took 0.031145 seconds to synchronously load lazily loaded font ‘…/…/…/Engine/Content/Slate/Fonts/DroidSansMono.ttf’ (77K)
LogAudioMixer: Display: Audio Buffer Underrun detected.
After that I started verifying after verifying it showed cleaning up then after that it showed installing then lastly it showed cleaning up and it finished.
then after that I again tried to open my previously made blueprint project to check if I can add a C++ class and it showed “Try rebuilding from source manually”.
Is there a problem in the connection between UE4 and VS code or are there corrupted or broken files or somethig else?

My epic games launcher has only these 2 permissions :–

  1. Read
  2. Read & execute
    And my other UE4 files has these :–
  3. Modify
  4. Read & execute
  5. List folder content
  6. Read
  7. Write

Do you have an antivirus?

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Yes I have AVG antivirus

Should I disable my antivirus and install VS code and UE4 again?

I would at least try it to see if that’s the problem, you shouldn’t need to reinstall either. Just try to compile. If successful you should add Unreal to the exclusion list or whatever it is in AVG (I don’t use it so :man_shrugging:).

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It couldn’t compile the project
and when I chose the option to open with VS code it opened but at the bottom right it says

“Extension host terminated unexpectedly.”

Most likely unrelated. How did you compile? Try adding another C++ class.

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I tried adding a new C++ class but it failed to compile and the project doesn’t even shows up in My project list

And this is with your AV disabled? What about using the compile button?

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