Bugs in Instructors Repository

These bugs were found in the most recent commit (https://gitlab.com/GameDevTV/UnityMultiplayer/RealTimeStrategy/-/commit/b101311d48b81fa41e22ab9ff157a852564010e6).

First, the base did not have an AimAtPoint set for the base and was causing a null point exception when attempting to target base.

Second, after clicking Leave Game, the host receives a null pointer exception in the OnServerDisconnect method when attempting running:

RTSPlayer player = conn.identity.GetComponent<RTSPlayer>();

First bug was an easy fix, second bug I have yet to figure out

Hi there,

Which script is the second error occurring in?

RtsManager on line 31

@Yitzchak_Cohen Can you investigate this further please and report back to Nathan if this is still an issue.


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