BP_Gun_Rifle Parent Class is gone

I’m on the SimpleShooter section on Lecture 168. When I closed the unreal and opened it up again the BP_Gun_Rifle Parent Class was gone I tried to search for it but there was no result for the “Gun” Parent Class. Oh yes, and when I open the Unreal there is a pop-up like these.


So what is the problem here?

can anyone help me?

and here is the code

I already tried to build in vscode and closed my unreal but it can’t build.

what is the problem here can anyone help me?

pls can anyone help me here?

Please allow 48 hours for a response, thanks.

You can’t build in VS Code because you don’t have the workspace open. From Unreal do Tools > Open VS Code, this should open VS Code with the workspace (it should say Workspace in the title bar)

here, there is no open VS Code on the Tools

That would imply you didn’t change the source code editor to be VS Code.

Edit > Editor Preferences > Source Code

change it to VS Code and then Tools > Generate (or Refresh) VS Code Project and then Tools > Open VS Code

I already pressed the Ctrl+Alt+F11 and build on VS Code but still, it shows up like that again. So what do I do about it?

I already closed the Unreal and I already tried to unable the Live Coding but it can’t build.

Oh yeah, why is this an error when I finished compiling?

What errors if any do you get building with Unreal closed? Could you show its output?

*.uproject file was found!

Extension “UE Intellisense Fixes” 3.7.3 is now active!

Found Unreal Engine v5.3.1

Fixing compiler paths in compile commands.
Below is the compile commands first entry command. (WARNING) If getting errors and the compiler path is unexpected reset your UE project.
command/arguments[0]: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.37.32822\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe
File write: F:\Danish Folder\Unreal Project\SimpleShooter\SimpleShooter.vscode\compileCommands_SimpleShooter.json
Below is the compile commands first entry command. (WARNING) If getting errors and the compiler path is unexpected reset your UE project.
command/arguments[0]: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.37.32822\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe
File write: F:\Danish Folder\Unreal Project\SimpleShooter\SimpleShooter.vscode\compileCommands_Default.json
Done fixing compiler paths.

Fixing compiler path in c_cpp_properties.json.
End fix c_cpp_properties compiler path.

Fixing invalid paths in response files.
No invalid paths returned. No fixes needed.

** Warning **: Epic Games has included 199 paths that don’t exist. Is this on purpose?
No invalid paths returned. No fixes needed.

** Warning **: Epic Games has included 199 paths that don’t exist. Is this on purpose?
End fixing invalid paths in response files.

Fixing *.generated.h files!
Searching with fast-glob found nothing. (Sometimes isn’t bug)
Correct *.generated.h files are found! Note: This extension doesn’t test if all *.generated.h files have been created.
For Intellisense, you’ll need to Build any newly created project files with the ‘Editor’ suffix config (e.g. MyProjectNameEditor (platform) Development Build).
All response files have the correct *.generated.h path!
End fixing *.generated.h

Fixing missing compile command files.
No missing file paths found. No fixes needed.
No missing file paths found. No fixes needed.
End fix missing compile commands.

Warning about Public/Private directory
Searching with fast-glob found nothing. (Sometimes isn’t bug)
Searching with fast-glob found nothing. (Sometimes isn’t bug)
You do not have this directory structure so no warning needed.
End warn Public/Private Directory

Attempting to fix UE workspace(Add empty tag parser).
UE’s tag parser includes are set to empty array for performance.
The setting limitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders is already set to true.
End fix UE workspace(Add empty tag parser).

Attempting to fix wrong cppStandard.
Info : Unreal 4 should be default c++14 (it can be c++17 with some special configuration)
Info : Unreal 5 should be c++17
Info : Unreal 5.3+ should be c++20
Extension’s cppStandard setting was set to empty string.
Intellisense will use cpptools cppStandard setting instead of this extension’s setting.
Current VSCode/cpptools cppStandard is: (Can be blank)
Current c_cpp_properties.json’s cppStandard is: c++20 (Overrides VSCode/cpptools if not undefined)
Current c_cpp_properties.json’s cppStandard is: c++20 (Overrides VSCode/cpptools if not undefined)
Current VSCode/cpptools cppStandard is: (Can be blank)
Current c_cpp_properties.json’s cppStandard is: c++20 (Overrides VSCode/cpptools if not undefined)
Current c_cpp_properties.json’s cppStandard is: c++20 (Overrides VSCode/cpptools if not undefined)
End fix wrong cppStandard.

Start fix wrong intellisense mode
Cpu: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor
Didn’t need to set intellisenseMode.
End fix wrong intellisense mode.

Attempting to fix UE workspace optimization.

** Warning **: Optimization of UE is enabled!
Enabling UE optimization disables red squiggle compiling for the Unreal Engine source code.
This does not affect your project’s source code (it still can have red squiggles).
You can disable this optimization in this extension’s settings.
End fix UE optimization.

No need to write SimpleShooter CCppProperties. It was unchanged.
No need to write UE5 CCppProperties. It was unchanged.

*** Number of error messages: 0
*** Number of warning messages: 3
If you get any errors you can try restarting VSCode to check if they’ve been fixed.

Extension is done.

is this the output log?

this is the image

That’s the output of an extension you were never told to install.

Use Ctrl + Shift + B like you did the first time, except with Unreal closed. Also ensure you use the correct build task

SimpleShooterEditor Win64 Development Build

and where is the Output log located?

You’re showing the output in the screenshot. That will also be saved in a file in Saved > Logs.

That error says you still have Unreal open and that you need to close it in order to use that task.

I already closed the unreal but when I build it again there is still an error like that

so I just show you the logs?

Have you checked Task Manager to see if Unreal is still running in the background?

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