BP_Gun_Rifle Parent Class is gone

I open the ThirdPersonAdvanture project only, does it effect the build?

Yes, I’m pretty sure it just checks if Unreal is open, not which project it has open.

I already finished building and I opened the unreal but still there is no the Gun Parent Class

What was the output of compilation in VS Code?

the output is located beside the Debug Console right?

It’s the same window you’ve been showing. But this time with the actual progress of compilation and not an error message.

this one?

No. When you went to use the task, a lot stuff would be coming up in the output window, that is what I want to see.

this one?

Yes, thanks. What do you see in Unreal?


just this message

And you don’t see it as a possible class to reparent to?


Are you able to make a new blueprint from that C++ class?


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