Blueprint Unreal Developer Lecture List

Here’s a full list of lectures for the course.

Please note Udemy lecture numbers may vary slightly as we add and remove them. This index is updated automatically every few days.

We have unique tags for lectures. For example #3_gg_cbc is the 3rd lecture, in the Getting Going section of the Complete Blender Creator.

Enjoy the course!

Section 1: Introduction - Marble Run (mr_ubp)

Click # tags for lecture discussions. Use #marble-run for section-level discussion.

1 Getting Started with Unreal Engine 4 (#1_mr_ubp)
2 Community & Support (#1a_mr_ubp)
3 First Steps in Unreal Engine 4 (#2_mr_ubp)
4 Viewport Navigation & Transforms (#3_mr_ubp)
5 Blueprint Introduction (#4_mr_ubp)
6 Referencing Actors in Blueprints (#5_mr_ubp)
7 Applying Physics to Static Meshes (#6_mr_ubp)
8 Event Tick & Input Axis Events (#7_mr_ubp)
9 Getting and Setting Actor Rotations (#8_mr_ubp)
10 BSP Geometry (#9_mr_ubp)
11 Converting BSP to Static Mesh (#10_mr_ubp)
12 Trigger Volumes & Overlap Events (#11_mr_ubp)
13 Returning Game Time in Seconds (#12_mr_ubp)
14 Bug Fixing & Code Cleanup (#13_mr_ubp)
15 Packaging your Game (#14_mr_ubp)

Section 2: Crystal Cavern (cc_ubp)

16 Crystal Cavern Project Setup (#1_cc_ubp)
17 Level Blockout & Lighting (#2_cc_ubp)
18 Point Lights, Spot Lights & Sky Lights (#3_cc_ubp)
19 Blueprint Actor Class (#4_cc_ubp)
20 Player Pawn (#5_cc_ubp)
21 Controllers & Possession (#6_cc_ubp)
22 Game Mode Blueprint Class (#7_cc_ubp)
23 Applying Physics to Player Pawn (#8_cc_ubp)
24 Event Graphs & Input Mappings (#9_cc_ubp)
25 Adding Torque (#10_cc_ubp)
26 Blueprint Variables (#11_cc_ubp)
27 BSP Extrude (#12_cc_ubp)

Last updated Sat 6 Feb at 13:16 UK Time

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