Blender Collab: Year final “Christmas cards”

Hello, friends of Blender.

How is the Christmas challenge going?
Maybe it is also a challenging month, with Coronavirus lying on every street corner.
Personally, my holidays are already started (for weeks now).
But even I didn’t really start with the challenge. Suddenly I had to focus on other issues in my daily life.
I did start the project but with the idea, time enough. Which fed the project ambition to bigger proportions. And still struggling with Eevee.

Maybe if you can not deliver this challenge. It would be nice to say hello and best wishes as a reply in the tread. I hope to hear from you soon.



For me - not well. Still struggling with the idea. With so much time I was overthinking it… Will probably do some small scene within the bounds of 1 Month of Low Poly Practice Challenge - In Progress

Life always comes first before Blender… I myself stopped fighting with Eevee and just settled on Cycles.
Less fuss for me, though more work for my PC… I will probably try to workout some efficient way of using unreal engine as a rendering engine instead of Eevee in the future…

Btw. this subject whenever I look at it gets unpinned for me and I have to pin it again…


Unfortunately, I’m not gonna be participating. Previously mentioned animation has been taking up all my Blender time, and has burned me out on Blender, so I’ll prob take a little break once its done. I feel bad for not submitting anything, especially with it being the year end Blender Collab. Eitherway, I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! Great submissions this whole year, and I’m looking forward to what creations are to come in the next.


Change of plans.
I started with block mode, to layout the scene and to see what kind of models I needed. But as time passes and the last days are busy I’ve changed my original plan and canceled this plan. Santa has done his job and retires. I will create something else instead, reusing things I have.


Here’s my entry!


Hi, too quiet here so I decide to make an entry, using all the techniques I learned half way through the class final edit with ps. The creation was fun and I think is a good practice, hope you like it : ) Merry Christmas Everyone!!!


Happy Holidays

From my Blender family to you all!

In my mind, I had a scene visualized from the movie “The Right Stuff”.
Also used in the movie “Monsters & Co.” and probably in other movies too.

Have fun, stay healthy and I wish you all the best for the new year.
A merry Christmas and a happy new year!



I started with a realistic Fur Tree. It took 1,2 GB and crashed everything. So I decided to be simpler.
In recent years in my city (Voronezh, Russia), there has been a tradition to organize a parade of Fathers Frosts on the Central square and in the nearby Park. This year it will not take place due to the virus. So I decided to return the New Year’s mystery to Koltsovsky Square in my picture.

(We don’t celebrate Christmas as much as New year in Russia, but we actually celebrate a little bit of both Catholic and Orthodox Christmases, and New year, and Old New year too.)
So Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Bright Orthodox Christmas and Cheerful Old New Year to you!


Very recognizable and beautiful textures, great work.


Wow! That looks awesome!



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Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for all the fun and help during this crazy year.


Looks really good! :slight_smile:


Thanks @bOBaN. We can all compare our Xmas cards next year and see how we’ve improved.


Wow! Looks like it was the calm before the storm. Great submissions! My personal favorite is @mongmong’s. I was afraid we wouldn’t get many submissions, but you guys blew that out of the water. Glad we got a good ending for the Collabs this year. Merry Christmas everybody!


Agreed! Submissions are awesome.

I hope to make something myslef. Almost finished with graveyard scene, will switch in 1-2h to this :crossed_fingers: Will not make anything remotely awesome as good as the above, but I want to have fun with this challenge too!


Thank you @Ethan_Martinez :smiley:
You guys are awsome! Merry Christmas yo!!


Thank you, everybody! My favorite is mongmong 's card too. And I love the scene with Camels by Leon_V. And would like to see the continued story of Tired Santa by FedPete


Happy Holidays all!

I wasn’t sure how to present this as a finished product, but I have been working on a 3D printable snowflake using a displacement modifier. When it’s in plane form it kind of looks like a card?

Hope everyone has a good Christmas or other, and a happy new year!


Nice idea!
You could also make a lamp from it.

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