Best First Unreal Course

Is there a recommended starting course for Unreal? I did the C++ pure course already and had a bit of a base in coding in Python before hand.

I am doing 2D mostly because I figured it would be easier to start there than 3D

Is there a good reason why you want to use Unreal over Unity?

Hi and welcome to the community.
If you’re wanting to do 2D, then the 2D Unreal course is pretty decent - I’m the TA so am a littled biased. I actually love this course and have gone on to make some of the games from the Unity course in UE just for fun.

However, what you should be aware of is the leap from 2D to 3D is not a big deal in Unreal - so with that in mind consider the Unreal Engine Beginners C++ course.

So to Answer JayMan’s question as to why. Unreal is a far richer engine and feels far more professional. You actually write entire games without any C++ code (Blueprint is amazing for that) so you can focus on the game rather than how to do it in code. also the UI layout functionality, Niagara for effects and the audio engine in unreal is pretty extensive too.

Plus, if you ever want to mix 2D and 3D (which I’ve seen some amazing examples of) then, let’s just say that Unity is still years behind on this front because well honestly, UE/Epic has way more experience with game engines .

The Engine was developed as part of Unreal the game in released in 1998, and Unity 1 came along 7 years later. Admitedly it was pretty much used for FPS type games but it was the first time I ever used something like that - Quake was the closest thing and you had to write mods in C++ for that and that was a nightmare.

Now, saying that, if your interest in 2D only games then Godot or Unity are possibly a better choice but if you want to use 3D, Unreal is pretty much the only way to go. The 2D course will teach you some stuff about the engine itself and the Beginners C++ will cover quite a lot and ends with a 3D Third person Shooter game.

If it were me, I’d probably start with the 2D course then go to Beignners C++ Unreal course.


Awesome, thanks for the thorough reply!!!

Beegeedee pretty much hit the points. I want to get into 3D I have a whole game dev road map planned out that starts very simple and progresses to a full 3D game. I like strategy, simulation, resouce management, etc types of games. So Im starting with a clicker then TD then the “High Def 2D” or 3D/2D combo.

Also Unreal is a better engine realistically and better funded. Epic games made a fourtune off Fortnite so you know the chance of them being consistent on adding new features and streamlining the UI is high.

Also would like to get a job/start a game studio and after research it just seems like unreal is the gold standard.

And If you can learn C++ you can pretty much learn any common coding language. I figure start hard and the rest will seem easy.

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I have experience in data science/ML and can say that python is a much easier language especially to debug. More forgiving syntax/better debugger. In C++ you can be combing through multiple files with 100+ lines of code for one simple litle syntax error

I found another courrse that does the 2D with all blueprints so im gonna do that to focus on learning Unreal then come back and do your guys C++ unreal course. I took some C++ courese, now a pure unreal course or 2 then Im going to do the combo course. Learn about each part then bring it together is the idea.

One of my biggest reasons for starting 2D is the art side. I can do pixel are. Cannot do the 3D stuff and am not sure I can learn everything I am and how to use blender at the same time

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There are plenty assets out there so you don’t need to make your own. There’s loads in the FAB store, then you have sites such as kitbash and synty. Keep an eye on humble bundle as they often have bundles of assets for nothing as well - good quality ones too.

As for ease of debugging, I find it the complete opposite. When you have a memory leak it can be a nightmare but having only just started python in the last 2 years I find the language nothing more than a glorified scripting language unless you pull in external libraries which are often badly thought out.

The biggest advantage for me as far as I see, with C++ anyway, is generally the compiler will catch the typos and general mistakes languages like python let through so you debug less. Logical bugs are the same regardless of language and if you use the right editor (not VS Code, rider or something like that for UE, VS or CLion for C++) then stepping through code is no different to any other language. It’s down to what you’re used to I suppose.

EDIT: Here’s an additional thought on debugging - try debugging Blueprint!. You can also step through the nodes but it’s not easy and sometimes it hangs the editor

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Sounds like you are a little confused on what you want, but if what you want to do is work for a big game studio, then Unreal is best, but not if you want to do anything else. If you wanted to develop your own games, then Unity would be a much better fit.

What makes you say that?

Your response is unhelpfu at best. No information just I’m wrong and you’re right.

I’ll check those out I have been scouting sites. I’m willing to spend money for the right asset pack.

Thanks for the great info again!

I’m using Rider it’s much faster and more intuitive for me than VS was. I started with VS Code cause that’s what your guys very firs C++ course is in. But I’ve got rider setup now and am more comfortable in it.

As for python I really only ever used/use it for datascience and ML stuff and it’s the gold standard for that. The libraries for that are great.

I use it at work for extending the robot framework to test C++ for embedded and onboard systems. It’s interesting to say the least.

Rider is awesome and now they’ve made available for non commercial use it is even better for learning. Made the switch about 5 years ago for cloud projects and UE and never looked back.

Whatever your learning path, enjoy!

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I’d be glad to simply things for you.
Did you not understand “work for a big studio”? -That would be a big company with lots of different talent, such as artists, writers, coders and so on.

If you wanted to do anything else, which is anything except work for a big company which will work you to death, for little to no pay, then Unity is a much better choice, especially for indie developers who wish to do 2D and decently performing VR games.


Just because you’re incapable of learning how to use it doesn’t mean I am.

What do you do outside of this? Sounds cool

I unfortunately can’t talk about it other than to say that I got experience in both engines before in my previous role.

Now to address the snarky comments in response to others. Please don’t. It is better to ignore them.

Hi Guys,

We appreciate that things can get a little opinionated when choosing a game engine but however as per the forum rules please keep discussions civil and on topic.
I think in this case it may be a misunderstanding that simplifying was meant to highlight the difference in use cases for the engines. Typically larger game studios opt for Unreal as an engine of choice where Indie developers or hobbiest tend to lean towards using Unity.

Once again please remember that sometimes wording and tone can come across very different when put into written word and as per our forums please keep discussions civil as everyone is here to learn.

Appreciate this being kept in mind when posting any further discussions going forward.

Marc Carlyon Support Leader

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Fair enough. Won’t do it again

Fair enough. thanks for the help

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