Using the selection tools to grab an area and tint it/use it as a mask was surprisingly useful in this exercise!
Using the selection tools to grab an area and tint it/use it as a mask was surprisingly useful in this exercise!
Used selection to tint and apply a noise-like pattern via the sponge brush
Here is my try:
Shield / Shield skill placeholder
Arrow / Arrow-based Skill placeholder
This one is supposed to be a fireball skill placeholder, but I’m not satisfied
And last one, ever dreamt to own you own house ? Unlock this for 999.99only! Special offer!
It’s been a long afternoon with this so I decided to focus on the techniques and not worry about being original, so sword icon idea liberally stolen.
I did have a bit of fun with the background and a light effect though!
Here are my active and inactive items:
…made with my random peacock colour pallet.
h e a d…
weapon 1 — body----weapon 2
f o o t -----
i know terible way to line this up .d.d
Here are my four icons and their placeholders. I think the selection tool and the air brush have become my new favourite tools!
Nicely done.
So these are my first 4 weapons, chainsaw, nailgun, pitchfork, and sawed off shotgun
The last one was meant to be a Ring Slot but didn’t turn out well
My witchcraft inspired items.
OK for abilities i thought of “your a summoner in training” an ambitious drive to be the ultimate conjuror, being able to summon All 4 familiars by your side at will But for now locked behind inexperience
To start:
Sun Leo:
Ice Wolf:
Tempest Falcon:
Black Shark:
Place holders vs skills
Here is my placeholders: