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Hi, is it better to use Unreal Engine in a Linux OS?
This engine uses C++ and the Vulkan API, so the Linux Architecture should be more compatible with the Engine.

Well, if I am saying nonsense, please explain to me why :slight_smile:

Hi there, if you can use Windows for the greatest compatibility.

First of all, by default UE4 Editor for Linux uses OpenGL for rendering (>=3.2 version). But that’s not the point.
You definitely could use UE4 on Linux and that possibly could give you all the benefits from developing under open platform that Linux is. There are few notes you should remember though:

  1. You won’t have access to Epic Launcher and all the benefits it provides: handy dealing with Engine versions, assets from Marketplace, different projects, education centre etc.
  2. Process of building/compiling editor under Linux is quite messy even if your PC meets all the requirements.
  3. Linux have no access to DirectX API provided by MS. On the other hand, both OpenGL and Vulkan can be enabled under Windows.
  4. Drivers for your GPU (or iGPU) would, probably, have less updates as Windows is primary OS for GPU manufacturer (that could be applyied also to other PC components manufacturer as well).

Nevertheless, there are no obsticles for you to go and try.
Best regards, Viktor.


@ben could you share which hardware configuration are you using to run the Unreal Development Environment?


Sure, it’s a quad-core i7 at 4GHz with a GTX-980 and 16GB RAM

Do I understand it correct that we do not need the option “Editor symbols for debugging” checked in Unreal Engine? It enables the symbols to debug C++ there, but we use Visual Studio to do the C++ coding, right?

I would just check it, but it’ 10 GB and that’s a big bunch on my SSD.

I checked that option out of curiosity and Unreal now sits over a total of 28.5 GB of my disk space. I’m a bit concerned whether it really should be that bulky or whether I might have some residual files from my first two installation attempts (both failed because I wasn’t there to give Windows permissions in time…). Does anyone know? If I do have some unnecessary files, where can I find them and safely delete them?

@Pola I dont know how you would get rid of it short of reinstalling or re-running the installer.
This said however its not needed as i only have 3 videos left in the current testing grounds section and my own project (in showcase) and i do not have that checked when i installed.
My install although i only have one engine version installed is 11.8Gb on my hard disk.
As @wolfsblvt posted its an extra 10Gb so maths says you dont have other installs on your drive :slight_smile:

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Well, I already have UE4.14 and .13 installed in my system, I will be using that


I experienced the same issue. I wasn’t expecting the total install to use that much space either.

I would rather have more files than I need than less.

Hey guys. I’m in the process of installing UE4 and I’m wondering exactly which components I will need. Also, would installing it on an external hard disk be an issue in the long run? If that would lead to a performance hit when working with the code, I’d just as rather put it on my SSD, but then I’d want to reduce the amount of space a bit, and hence, unless I absolutely need the editor symbols and the various platform-specific components for this course, I’d be inclined not to install them.

Except for the target platforms, keep the default selected. Everything else is preference and if you want to know what “editor symbols” are that would allow you to be able to use Visual Studios debugger for Unreal.

So, would you advise installing the full version on an external disk or the pared down version on the internal drive, considering that I will be using VS2015? Are the build-in debugging tools included with UE4 on par with the VS2015 ones?

You would only be able to debug blueprints if you didn’t install that or resort to printing logs for some semblance of debugging.

Ok…thanks. I’ll install the full suite to my external and hope that the performance hit doesn’t annoy me later.

I’m not keen on running multiple downloads and installs at the same time. I discovered that I had no luck installing the installer and I think the failure had an incorrect error message.

But 'lo! I already have the Games Launcher (and Shadow Complex Remastered). It has been so long since I used it for anything that I had to puzzle out how to get the latest Unreal Engine anyhow. This is where I am at the end of Section 1 Lecture 4.

I did not choose source code and symbols. And my puny SSD is already too full, so it all goes on my internal hard drive:

I had no issues downloading and installing UE 4.14.2

Hey I tried following the instructions just after downloading Unreal engine and god several errors. I was able to solve a few. There were several, but i couldn’t figure out a couple.

An error occurred while trying to generate project files.

Running C:/Program Files (x86)/Epic Games/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/Scott/Documents/Unreal Projects/test/test.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe

I’ve taken a look at the second error, and I believe that the error has something to do with vs2015 being ‘unmodified’. Unfortunately I was unable to figure out how to do this.

I will give updates when fixed,


Do you not have a 64-bit computer? As that’s a requirement for UE4

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