Welcome to the Unreal Engine Developer

Hello. I am Yuchen, and I am a Chinese. I am a year 3 student in computer science and currently studying in the UK. Although I started to think about being a game developer when I was in primary school, I had never treated this as my true dream. Until last week, I saw a trailer of a game called “Lost Soul Aside”. I was shocked because that game looked so amazing and it was developed independently by one Chinese guy.So I started to think, “if he can do this, why I can’t”.

I have some programming experience in Java but I have never learned C++ before. I think this course is very good as I can learn Unreal and C++ at the same time. I hope this course can be my first step towards game development.

Hi everyone! My name is Ed, I’m from Mexico. I work at an IT consultancy, developing boring software (i.e. not-games), but I’m a passionate game developer; I’ve been developing games as a hobby since I was 12. I’m currently teaching classes at a University in a game development career, and I also play the Producer and Lead Developer roles at ExaGames, an indie team composed of passionate developers all around the world.

This is my first experience with Unreal, though.

What I expect from the course… well, I want to expand my universe of tools to create games, and I’d also love to know other passionate people to work with. Cheers!

Hi! I’m Kenneth, I’m a 32y old QA engineer from Belgium. Unexperienced in (game) dev, apart from courses a decade ago (c# and java).
Starting with a new chapter in my search of becoming a game developer one day! Wish me luck! :slight_smile:

Hi, my name is Di. I am a computer science student at Simon Fraser University. nice to meet you guys

Hi, My name is Steven Rogers. I’m a 24 y/o software engineer from Seattle, WA. Just started this course. Good to know that things are still active!

Hi I am Ross

I am finishing my second year of college in a Math-Computer Science program in San Diego, CA

I have beginner knowledge of C++ and am hoping this course will refresh my memory on it, as well as introduce me to game development!

I am an accountant looking to fulfill my desire to learn to code and make games for a living instead of crunching numbers. Excited to get started!

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Hi, my name is Jorge and I have been programming since I was 12. I’m 18 now and still love doing it, as I had to make a project for my graduation and it could be anything I created an informative application for one of the best hotels in South America. Since i’m only 18 years old and didn’t have any computer classes and learnt everything my-self i’m incredibly proud of the result. If it interests you it is called Vira Vira and it’s available on the App Store, no shout out intended :stuck_out_tongue:. With this course I want to further expand my c++ knowledge and finally create a game I have been planning for quite a while now.
Apart from this I am currently living in Chile and am applying to an university in Switzerland, the ETH.


Hi my name is actually Mikhail even though my username is realQuade. I’ve been playing videogames nearly my whole life and have been interested in Game Devlopement in the past. After seeing this course I got interested in starting with hopes of making high quality games with a team in the future.

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Hi All,

My name is Jesus (real name) I live in Chicago and currently work as an Technical Configuration Specialist – I have background with C#, C++, Visual Basic and PL/SQL. I’m actually taking this course as a refresher on C++ and hoping to improve my knowledge as I am self taught for the most part.

I hope to be of help to others who are less experienced as my motto is “best way to learn is by teaching others”. Also, as of this course I’ve already learned one valuable lesson – rubber ducky, this is a genius idea as I’ve come to find using a real human isn’t always the best first option :stuck_out_tongue:. Just ask my co-workers… or don’t…

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Hello, I’m Megan, and I’m wanting to move to the British Columbia area. I’ve had about a few weeks worth of programming experience with Python via DataCamp tutorials (as I am an aspiring Data Scientist), and I have a few game ideas that I would love to flesh out on this Unreal program.


Hello! I am Aiman from Egypt. I am a mechanical engineer graduate from GUC. I have always been interested in coding and I have always loved games, I am taking this course to learn more about the gaming industry and hopefully be able to build games in the future. :slight_smile:


What’s up everyone,

I’m Donald from Singapore, and I’m really happy to be here with everyone in this community.

Started with learning coding logic and the fundamentals during my middle school days, after that I went on to study in a games development course for my diploma where I started learning C++ and C#, working with Unity most of the time, and currently I’m serving my country’s National Service, of which I’m about to leave soon and move on to study a Bachelor of IT in James Cook University (Singapore).

I’m always practising my coding in my free time, mixing in a good balance of gaming and family time.

As for my career ambitions, I’m planning to head towards indie development, and currently looking for partners of both artistic and technical types. My ultimate goal? Find me and I’ll tell you all about it :sunglasses:

So if you’re in Singapore or by any chance going to studying in the same school as me, feel free to let me know and I’ll be happy to get to know you, or maybe even get together as development partners!

Cya around k? :laughing:

Hey there! I’m Charles.

I’m about to transfer for my junior year with the intent of being a CS major, I took two-semester C++ introductory course at my CC but I figured this refresher would be incredibly valuable to me. One of my life goals is to produce a successful game, whether that will be five years or twenty+ years from now, only time will tell.

I’ve also taken a keen interest in the UE4 engine, not only due to it being a huge industry standard, but also, because I am actually planning to make maps/mods for the unreleased game Mordhau!

Hello everyone, my name is Kristian Sosa.

I am 21 years old and currently studying for my Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Software Engineering. Previously, I obtained my Associate’s Degree of Science in Video Game Design. This is all during my attendance in Keiser University, Pembroke Pines, FL (I am from Miami Gardens, FL). Notably, I decided to take this course in order to further my ambitions for a career related to video games. Furthermore, this specific site and course were recommended to me from a professor in my school that currently works in the video game field.

It is my hope that by applying myself enough in this course, I will cultivate and reinforce the skills necessary to be successful in this career pathway. Lastly, I have a huge love for video games and the computer, and I hope that I can learn and get along with you all!

Hi I am robert.
I am just about to graduate with a B.S. in computer engineering. I am taking this course to relearn all of the c++ stuff I have forgotten.

Hello, World!

My name is Christopher Taylor. I am a Software Engineer specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I’ve always had a love for video games and I’ve been coding for quite some time now. I figured, hell, I may as well give this a shot, as I grew tired with a lot of newer games being released. Hopefully, through learning, I can make something quite unique that all of you will love.

I’d definitely like to keep in touch with all of you as well. Follow my Twitter and say hello some time!
Twitter: www.twitter.com/doctacloak


I’ve fooled around with C++ a couple of times, but without any real goal, except to get college credits. I look at code now and know I have forgotten nearly all of it. It’s like foreign languages - it has slowly degraded to the point that I can say “Tengo que ir al baño,” and that’s about it.

I like the idea of learning it in a way that I get to completely create something by the end of the course. I actually have some ideas on what I might want to try making after completing this, so I’m excited to relearn that and the Unreal Engine kit.

I have a few ideas and goals after I finish this course.

Thanks for reading.

Loreck from Texas

M from India
Ive a great passion towards gaming and learning computer languages and that’s basically why i took the course

Hey everyone my name is Lawrence.
I’ve started this course because I I love games and I wanted to see the link between C++ code and 3D interactive software.
I’m currently transferring to UCSC as CS major and I’m excited to start learning.

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