
After 1 Month of Low Poly Practice Challenge - Finished! I can churn out those types of objects in droves :grin: Trying to stick to the course though for now as I want to learn also Grant’s way of doing stuff :slight_smile:

Low poly modelling is fun :slight_smile:


You could look up all the formal sizes barrels were made in. Then make a scaled set. Barrel sizes.
The shape changes a bit too with the size.


Oh no…don’t even tempt me to dig into barrel making… I’m not going down into this rabbit hole again. Last time I did it I spent a week learning blacksmithing… just to model an anvil :sweat_smile:


Oh but research is essential!
Getting things wrong is like seeing actors wearing a digital watch in a Roman era epic.

Further basic fun facts. Early casks were bound with wooden hoops and in the 19th century these were gradually replaced by metal hoops

Most people’s barrels are wrong, fundamentally, for ‘medieval’ reality. :grin:

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Overall I agree… and researching those things is fun… Though if I would research everything in a given scene… I would never finish one… but looking at wikipedia page doesn’t hurt… but it’s risky… it has links… which have links… which have links :sweat_smile:


I fell down that barrel rabbit hole a while ago. Looking for original barrels a museum site showed the staves that had been excavated and explained that the hoops would have been a different wood and rotted away. They could tell from the attachment holes. So, intrigued by how that was possible, wood hoops, I looked about and there are YouTube videos of people still making coopered products using the old techniques. Then I searched for era paintings with barrels in them and there they were too, not an iron hoop in sight! Thin wood, or rope, could be used, plus there were all sorts of other coopered items, like buckets.

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Ha! I suspected there was some story behind it!

The problem with accuracy is that we are being trained by movie and google images (which lot of contain CGI generated stuff). And without proper research we are just repeating historical inaccuracies. On the other hand… those are probably not as important for stylized low poly work…


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