Axe Game Circle no longer moving

I got to the last part of the Axe game and after setting up to update the collison_with_axe and the postins the KEY_D no loner moves the circle.

#include "raylib.h"

int main()
    //int screenY = GetMonitorWidth(1);
    //int screenX =  GetMonitorHeight(1);  

    //Window Dimensions
    int width{800};
    int height{450};

    //Circle Coord
    int circle_x{200};
    int circle_y{200};
    int circle_radius{25};
    //Circle Edges
    int l_circle_x{circle_x - circle_radius};
    int r_circle_x{circle_x + circle_radius};
    int u_circle_y{circle_y - circle_radius};
    int b_circle_y{circle_y + circle_radius};

    int axe_x{400};
    int axe_y{0};
    int axe_length{50};
    int direction{10};
    //Axe Edges
    int l_axe_x{axe_x};
    int r_axe_x{axe_x + axe_length};
    int u_axe_y{axe_y};
    int b_axe_y{axe_y + axe_length};

    bool collision_with_axe = 
            (b_axe_y >= u_circle_y) && 
            (u_axe_y <= b_circle_y) && 
            (r_axe_x >= l_circle_x) && 
            (l_axe_x <= r_circle_x);

    InitWindow(width,height,"Axe Game");

    while (WindowShouldClose() == false)

        if (collision_with_axe)
            DrawText("Game Over!", 400, 200, 20, RED);
            //Game logic begins

            //Update Edges
            l_circle_x = circle_x = circle_radius;
            r_circle_x = circle_x + circle_radius;
            u_circle_y = circle_y - circle_radius;
            b_circle_y = circle_y + circle_radius;

            l_axe_x = axe_x;
            r_axe_x = axe_x + axe_length;
            u_axe_y = axe_y;
            b_axe_y = axe_y + axe_length;
            //Update clollison
            collision_with_axe = 
                (b_axe_y >= u_circle_y) && 
                (u_axe_y <= b_circle_y) && 
                (r_axe_x >= l_circle_x) && 
                (l_axe_x <= r_circle_x);


            //Move Axe
            axe_y += direction;
            if (axe_y > height || axe_y < 0)
                direction = -direction;

            if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D) && circle_x < width) 
                circle_x += 10;
            else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A) && circle_x > 0)
                circle_x -= 10;

            //Game Logic Ends

It was an = not a - I got it fixed

Good working finding the solution!

Thanks stupid fat finger typos. They’ll getcha every time. Lol

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