Any chance we could see features added to the 3rd person Combat & Traversal?

As the title says, I think it would be very helpful to see how additional features could be added to the 3rd person and traversal to make the character controller more complete.

For example, I would love to see how to go about adding a swimming state and the best way to add a detection check to see if your character is in water and should be swimming.

A ranged combat state would also be very appreciated as I have seen a couple concepts for how to go about doing it, but I am always interested to see different approaches and best practices to take.

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While we don’t have any immediate plans for extending this course beyond where it’s at, I’ll add these to the list of future potential text tutorials and additions.

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Awesome thanks!

For what it is worth, I would be more than happy to pay for an extended course. There are many features that could extend the current controller than I am sure I am not alone in finding useful.

While there are a few examples of controllers with both melee and ranged combat on youtube, for example, they are not done with state machines and as silly as it sounds… my brain sometimes gets jumbled trying to refactor it to a state machine setup. Probably has a lot to do with me being newer to coding, but got to start somewhere I guess. While I can usually tinker and get the code to work, it would be nice to see an actual tutorial with clean code to verify I am doing things correctly… or at least, more efficiently.

I believe you on that. The best way to get the attention of the folks that make these sorts of decisions is to post in the Ideas section with the tag course ideas. Here’s a link to the course ideas: Topics tagged course-ideas

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