Another way to write "GetNeigbours" method:

Another way to write “GetNeigbours” method:

using static GridPosition;
... other code
private List<PathNode> GetNeigbours(PathNode node)
    List<PathNode> neigbours = new();

    GridPosition pos = node.GridPosition;
    GridPosition[] neigboursPositions =
        pos + UP,
        pos + UP + RIGHT,
        pos + RIGHT,
        pos + RIGHT + DOWN,
        pos + DOWN,
        pos + DOWN + LEFT,
        pos + LEFT,
        pos + LEFT + UP
    foreach (GridPosition p in neigboursPositions)
        if (_gridSystem.IsValidGridPosition(p))

    return neigbours;

And also we must add consts to “GridPosition” class

public static readonly GridPosition UP = new(0, 1);
public static readonly GridPosition DOWN = new(0, -1);
public static readonly GridPosition RIGHT = new(1, 0);
public static readonly GridPosition LEFT = new(-1, 0);

That’s an interesting way to do it, good job!

This helps me understand it better, thank you!

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