Another option instead of #ifndef

One thing I’ve learned in the UE4 course that could apply here as well is forward declaring Character* in Enemy then including Character.h in Enemy.cpp, thus making Enemy.h not as bulky to save space in the case that more children files are made down the road


#include "BaseCharacter.h"

class Enemy : public BaseCharacter



        Enemy(Vector2 pos, Texture2D idleTexture, Texture2D runTexture);

        virtual void tick(float deltaTime) override;

        void setTarget(class Character* newTarget);


        class Character* target;


#include "Enemy.h"
#include "Character.h"

Enemy::Enemy(Vector2 pos, Texture2D idleTexture, Texture2D runTexture)
    worldPos = pos;
    texture = idleTexture;
    idle = idleTexture;
    run = runTexture;

    width = texture.width/maxFrame;
    height = texture.height;

void Enemy::tick(float deltaTime)

void Enemy::setTarget(Character* newTarget)
    target = newTarget;
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