An Option?

Just playing.
Does this seem a viable option for testing the movement bounds ??

I’d like to split some of this functionality out of main() , but I haven’t learnt how yet in C++

#include "raylib.h"

int main()
  // window dimensions : braced initialization
  int width{ 350 };
  int height{ 200 };
  int textHeight{ 30 };

  InitWindow(width, height, "Phreds's Play Window");
  int circle_x{ 175 };
  int circle_y{ 100 };
  float circle_radius{ 25 };

  int move_distance{ 5 };
  int min_x{ (int)circle_radius };
  int max_x{ width - (int)circle_radius };
  int min_y{ (int)circle_radius };
  int max_y{ height - (int)circle_radius };

  while (!WindowShouldClose())

    DrawCircle(circle_x, circle_y, circle_radius, BLUE);

    // multiple keys accepted each frame for MOVEMENT.
    if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)))
      circle_x += move_distance;
    if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)))
      circle_x -= move_distance;
    if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)))
      circle_y -= move_distance;
    if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S) || (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)))
      circle_y += move_distance;

    circle_x = circle_x < min_x   ? min_x
               : circle_x > max_x ? max_x
                                  : circle_x;
    circle_y = circle_y < min_y   ? min_y
               : circle_y > max_y ? max_y
                                  : circle_y;

    DrawText("Waiting . . . !", 40, 125, textHeight, RED);


  return 0;

I just play around with your question.

You can split moving ifology to function for example:
void MovingLogic(int& circle_x, int& circle_y, int move_distance)

& - make that you can change value for e.g. circle_x inside function and changed value is visible outside the function.

In c# is like ref int circle_x ← you’re passing reference of value.

but to make code is working you file stucture should be:

void MoveLogic()
int main()

Jarek has it right, you can add additional functions and use them inside of the main function. Just make sure the function is declared before using it.

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