An error when pressing the [Leave Game] button as host

I’m not sure for how long this has been going on, but it definitely started during the leaderboard lessons, and before the minimap lessons:
Whenever I would exit play mode, I would receive a null reference error.

Now, after creating the [Leave Game] button, I get new errors that appear when I press the button as host. It works fine when I hit the button as the client, but I get the errors in the image when I hit it as host.

I have tried backtracking my code and comparing it to the instructors, and have re-watched some of the lessons regarding the leaderboard, but I can not find where I made my mistake.

There are fixes for these issues later in the course if they are the errors I am thinking of. I suggest finishing the section you are in and letting me know if they are still occurring then. If they are breaking your game at all let me know as well, and I will try and help you fix them sooner.

Thank you for your response! Right now, they only break the game when I use the Leave Game button as host. But, I will continue on as you suggest.

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