Alternative Type Cast

In this lecture, the as keyword is used to attempt to cast the currently set runtime animator controller to an animator override controller. I found that as of C# 7, you can use pattern matching with the is keyword to simplify the code a bit. Included below with a link for more information.

if (weaponOverride != null)
    animator.runtimeAnimatorController = weaponOverride;
else if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController is AnimatorOverrideController overrideController)
    animator.runtimeAnimatorController = overrideController.runtimeAnimatorController;

More information:


Note that before Unity 2018.3, this will not work, as that’s when they officially introduced support for the C#7 standard. Thinking on it, though, I think that’s when they introduced nested prefabs, so hopefully everybody in the course is already using 2018.3 or greater.


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