AI systems from Scratch (GOAP, BT, HTN)

Manny games focus on A* and FSM (Finite State Machines). I would like to learn, in deapth, from scratch, how to implement other AI systems:

  • GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning), used in F.E.A.R
  • BT (Behavior Tree), used in HALO
  • HTN (Hierarchical Task Network), used in Transformers War for Cybertron

I belive UNITY would be best to lean such system.

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If you are interested in Behavior Trees, Unreal Engine 4 has that functionality built in and the Unreal course makes use of it in the Testing Grounds FPS project. Not quite “from scratch”, but gives you a good overview.

In Unreal the system is already there for use. I want to learn it from zero, to build my own. At this moment I am more interested in GOAP actually.

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