After install Intellisense Fix getting worse

Hello everyone! I still have a problem with red lines. (Well maybe I am not so smart to fix it by hand?).
I have installed Intellisense Fix correctly, but the red lines issue still exists and it got worse. Quick Fix is not able for this errors (message you can see on the screenshot).
I would be grateful for your help!
UE (4.27),
VSC Version: 1.61.1 (Universal)
MacBook Pro 2020 (Intel processor, Big Sur).

Message: “cannot open source file “stdlib.h” (dependency of “/Users/learning/BullCowGame-starter-kit 4.27/Intermediate/Build/Mac/x86_64/BullCowGameEditor/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.h”)C/C++(1696)”

Are you using an M1 Mac by any chance?

No, Intel Core i7

Could you post the output of the extension? I don’t have it installed atm but it should be listed in this drop down menu

If I understood correctly, is this what you asked me about?)

A couple questions.

  1. Are you compiling successfully?
  2. Does the C/C++ extension report other errors?

Well, everything works fine, even compiling.
I noticed that first 2-3 minutes after open VSC everything works as it should. But then, this issue appears.
C++ hasn’t any info in output. But GitLens shows:

[2021-10-23 19:32:05:926] [/Users/ilyaaliakseyeu/learning/BullCowGame-starter-kit 4.27] Git Command failed: /usr/bin/git -c core.quotepath=false -c color.ui=false rev-parse --show-toplevel • not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git • 31 ms 
[2021-10-23 19:32:05:949] [/Users/Shared/Epic Games/UE_4.27] Git Command failed: /usr/bin/git -c core.quotepath=false -c color.ui=false rev-parse --show-toplevel • not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git • 18 ms 
[2021-10-23 19:32:06:026] [/Users/ilyaaliakseyeu/learning/BullCowGame-starter-kit 4.27/Source/BullCowGame] Git Command failed: /usr/bin/git -c core.quotepath=false -c color.ui=false rev-parse --show-toplevel • not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git • 13 ms 
[2021-10-23 19:33:04:053] [/Users/ilyaaliakseyeu/learning/BullCowGame-starter-kit 4.27/Source/BullCowGame] Git Command failed: /usr/bin/git -c core.quotepath=false -c color.ui=false rev-parse --show-toplevel • not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git • 31 ms 

Do you think if I re-install VSC with FIX will help me?)

That shouldn’t be related. You could try reinstalling.

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After re-install the problem is still exist, more than that Epic Game Launcher has crashed. Impossible to run them. Maybe this problems are related?

Okay, I just re-installed everything, disable this “Intellisense Fix” (and other extensions). Left only C# and Terminal and everything works without errors. Unfortunately "F Strings, “Input” and "HiddenWord"not supporting colors, but at least it works after compilation.

Could you go into the .vscode directory and show both “compile_commands.json”?

Unfortunately I don’t see any files with this names and formats. I found “export-compile-commands.lua” and readme file for this. But my knowledge is not enough to understand how to proceed this script to generate this .JSON

And you’re using the C/C++ extension? That is strange, could you show your VS Code window with the Explorer tab open so I can see that?

Yep! I have installed it because it was in the lecture #8.
course “Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games”.
Unfortunately few days ago I had a problems with laptop, so I’ve done full reinstallation. Now I don’t have any external extensions, only C/C++ by Microsoft.

And what is the output you’re getting from the C/C++ extension?

It’s empty

And you re-opened VS Code after the refresh?

Yes, the same problem. The dot operator (hints) doesn’t work. The same red lines appear, but if I close the tab with the .cpp file and reopen it - then the red lines disappear for 1 minute (30 seconds). then appears again.
When everything is red it shows me #include error and cannot open source file “stdlib.h”
Maybe I should somehow show the way to the project again?

but compilation works, and everything works

UPD just one thing more, If I am making mistake - the red lines are not showing :sweat_smile:

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