After install Intellisense Fix getting worse

Would you mind showing the entire VS Code window?

Here is screen recording (1 minute)

Iā€™m not quite sure where to go from here. Have you contacted the author of the extension?

Hello, I have the same exact issues down to every detail, probably because I have almost the same setup as you (Intel Macbook Pro, UE 4.27, VSC 1.63.2).

I get the same error message: "cannot open source file ā€œstdlib.hā€ (dependency of ā€œ/Users/user1/Desktop/Unreal Imports/BullCowGame-starter-kit/Intermediate/Build/Mac/x86_64/BullCowGameEditor/Development/Engine/SharedPCH.Engine.hā€)C/C++(1696)"

And like you it takes a few minutes for the error to appear.

I noticed that when you guys were troubleshooting this issue you focused primarily on the Intellisense Fix extension, but for me the error message was already there even before I installed the extension. Iā€™m pretty new to all this so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s causing the problem, but itā€™s definitely not the IF extension. Anyway hereā€™s some things I noticed, they may not be at all related to the problem but hopefully will help us get to a solution.

  1. A different error in the BullCowCartridge.h file:

  2. This is what the Log (Extension Host) output looks like (I included two screenshots because the messages overflow past the right edge of my screen):

Thatā€™s everything I noticed just looking around, but let me know if any other screenshots would be helpful in trying to troubleshoot this. Also let me know if youā€™ve fixed this issue since your first post.

Does this help at all? It was posted by a student in the Udemy Q&A

M1 Mac Users

M1 Mac users try this I just got it working on my M1 Monterey 12.0.1 will outline all steps to try and resolve.

  1. Downloaded latest version of VSCode 1.62

  2. Downloaded latest version of C/C++ extension 1.71

  3. Followed the instructions in this lecture checking both boxes for ue intellisense extension

  4. while in vscode press Cmd + Shift + P to bring up search menu and type c/c++ and choose Edit Configurations UI. You will be given two options one for BullCow game and one for unreal we will actually edit both one at a time

  5. Pick whichever you want to start with and choose the following settings

             1. for compiler path use the dropdown and select /usr/bin/clang
             2. For intellisense mode select macos-clang-arm64
             3. For c standard i used c17
             4. for c++ standard I used c++14         

Make sure to do this in both files. Just press Cmd + Shift + P again choose edit configurations UI after searching for c/c++ and choose whichever one you didnt choose the first time.

Hope this helps because I was about to throw my mac out I was so frustrated haha! I will also post this as its own question to help others.


I think that might have worked! Thanks for the help!

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I was having this exact issue and it seems to have fixed it for me. In case anyone else is struggling with this. My Intellisense is pretty slow to respond now, but there are no more squiggles; which is a big improvement.

Thereā€™s an update to the extension by @boocs that might fix this. Let us know if it helps. See the issue I created over on GitHub

@boocs would you be able to create a VSIX for students to test?

For new Mac M1 users you can just install the extension to see if it fixes it. See Detailed Readme link on main GitHub homepage.

For people who fixed this manually and would like to test this for other Mac M1 users youā€™ll first have to reset your project after installing. You can do this by right clicking your projectā€™s *.uproject file and choosing Refresh Visual Studio Project Filesā€¦

The extension logs will show you info if it doesnā€™t work so post it here if it doesnā€™t.

Start fix wrong intellisense mode
Found: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Intellisense mode doesn't need to be fixed.
End fix wrong intellisense mode.

You can download the updated VSIX here:

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