After changing the toTarget and direction values

midway after changing the different variables to the common variable “Velocity” and moving the relevant code into BaseCharacter.cpp, my enemy moves towards character, but I can’t move the character. He stays still in his original position. I am not showing errors in the code, but I can’t move. Any suggestions?

From BaseCharacter.cpp
void BaseCharacter::tick(float deltaTime)


worldPosLastFrame = worldPos;

// update animation frame

runningTime += deltaTime;

if (runningTime >= updateTime)



    runningTime = 0.f;

    if (frame > maxFrames)

        frame = 0;


if (Vector2Length(velocity) != 0.0)


    // set worldPos = worldPos + direction

    worldPos = Vector2Add(worldPos, Vector2Scale(Vector2Normalize(velocity), speed));

    velocity.x < 0.f ? rightLeft = -1.f : rightLeft = 1.f;

    texture = run;




    texture = idle;


velocity = {};

// draw the character

Rectangle source{frame * width, 0.f, rightLeft * width, height};

Rectangle dest{screenPos.x, screenPos.y, scale * width, scale * height};

DrawTexturePro(texture, source, dest, Vector2{}, 0.f, WHITE);

// stop drawing

From character.cpp
#include “Character.h”

#include “raymath.h”

Character::Character(int winWidth, int winHeight)


width = texture.width / maxFrames;

height = texture.height;

screenPos = {

    static_cast<float>(winWidth) / 2.0f - scale * (0.5f * width),

    static_cast<float>(winHeight) / 2.0f - scale * (0.5f * height)};


void Character::tick(float deltaTime)


Vector2 velocity{};

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A))

    velocity.x -= 1.0;

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D))

    velocity.x += 1.0;

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W))

    velocity.y -= 1.0;

if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S))

    velocity.y += 1.0;




NVM Found the error. I had an extra line

Vector2 velocity{};


Good job working out the solution!

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