Advanced Wind shader - wind direction misconception

Ok, Chris’ idea of wind direction is different by my idea of wind direction. I though we were gonna have flag moving around axis of the flag pole.

Then it will be this way.

Is there a way to do it in Shader or rather I should do it by Monobehaviour some way?

ALSO really bothers me we have deformation only on one sie od the flag

I’ve experimented a bit and I found that subtracting a bit of the strenght will do the trick.

Are you thinking something along the lines of this?

I’m not sure the exact steps to get there. The shader simulates wind, but there would be a great deal more calculation to accomplish the above with a shader alone, or even to have the flag turn as the wind direction changes…
If it’s a matter of turning, it may be better to ensure that the pivot of the flag is on one end, and then use a script to turn the transform.

That’s exactly what I did in my version as well. Good job!

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