Additional Barrel BP (non-scene component)

I don’t know what is wrong about it. But when I change the C++ code like in the lecture, there are 2 additional Barrel BP is appeared. I don’t have a clue why and what are these.
As you can see these BPs are not staticMeshComponent or any other known class’ component. I can’t delete them also.
Is anyone can help me about it and give me some detailed information maybe. Thanks.

Do you know what you just before you got that?

The only way I know how to solve that is to create a brand new blueprint (don’t duplicate)

Hi, Thanks for your answer firstly. I will write my steps as I remember so maybe you can catch a clue.

I just followed the lectures steps roughly. After I write the C++ code (filling the turret class’ inside like we did in barrel class and adding the necessary functions in the TankAimingComponent class too), compiled it and then went to the Tank_BP. I tried to do necessary changes but then I realized there is 2 additional BP for barrel. I tried to erase turret and barrel and then tried to erase the other 2 barrel non-scene BP too. But I can’t erased non-scenes BP anyway.

By the way in my game everything is working fine. I just can not rename my barrel as “barrel”. I renamed it as “barrell” as you see. Is there any problem for further lectures or for my game?

Think it might be due to changing the type of the variable which has the same name as the component?

There might be, if there is just create an enitely new blueprint, don’t duplicate it as you’re duplicate the bugged component.

I had this issue too. It was the strangest thing. I just went and added a new one to get ready to replace this bugged one and the moment I added it, everything reverted to normal. Just deleted the new one I had just added and everything stayed fixed.

I nearly tried everything but unfortunately none of them worked for me. Also I tried your method too. I created new barrel and turret. Then delete the old ones and compile the BP. These annoying non-scene BPs were still there?
Dİd you do something different? If you describe your method step by step, maybe it can work for me too? Who knows maybe I miss some step and that’s why my Tank_BP is still broken. Thanks.

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