Non-Scene Track in Tank BP

I did the same as Ben for this lecture. But at the end (in last compile) I realise an error in my TankBP. There were 2 additional non-scene track (probably for left and right) .
1.) I did not change anything inside TankBP .
2.) Until the last changes (All changes in this lecture have been done in track cpp and h files) there was no error and anything weird.
Now I have 4 non-scene component (2 for my originals and 2 for copy -I mean I guess-)
I’ve confronted this problem before but I couldn’t find a way to solve. (here is the link.)
Do anybody has an idea what is going on in Unreal?

If you’re talking about the purple broken components then I think you’re only option is to make a brand new blueprint

Yes, When I see that kind of BP, I restart the unreal without saving and it also protect me from trouble. But why is it happened? Am I doing something silly? If I know that I could be more careful about it.
My Observation : This generally happenend after I compile my code and something is different in BP (like tank track force value etc.) with my code.

I think closing the editor whenever you modify a header file may save you from that kind of thing happening.

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