About 'Unity Rule Tiles'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Download the Unity 2D asset.
  2. Create rule tile rules.
  3. Paint additional platforms using rule tile.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Create a rule tile and set up the logic for its rules.

(Unique Video Reference: 5_TV_CU2)

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A bug I noticed with rule tiles: using rotated rules will cause the composite collider to sometime leave gaps between tiles even though there’s no logical reason there would be one. Hitting those can cause things to snag just like without using a composite collider. A hacky fix (until the bug is fixed, I suspect it’s in the tilemap composite collider component itself) is to select the Grid gameobject and add a tile gap along the lines of -0.0001 which is a minuscule fraction of a pixel, shouldn’t ever be noticeable but will make the colliders generate properly without snags.

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