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Hello Sam
in this lecture you replicated the variable Velocity, without replication it will be Zero for the Simulated Proxy
but without replication Simulated Proxy can use Tick() and UpdateLocationFromVelocity(DeltaTime) functions ?

Ahha!! as I guess we use RPC for to send data Server and Replication is the act of the Server passing the data to all Clients
we use RPC for Authority and Replication for Simulated Proxy. is it right?

  1. If Server update is a once in every second, how it’s possible Velocity data update more faster between Server updates, to do simulation and interpolation ?
    how it’s work ?
    Replicated variables replicates Immediately and don’t need to send from the Server, does not it ?
    or Simulated Proxy gets update not only from the Client-Authority it also gets update from the Client?

  2. few lectures ago we use RPC for to send message Client-Authority and update input data. but how does it know about Velocity ?
    Client-Authority can use Velocity without Replication and Simulated Proxy does’t ?

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