About 'Maximize Learning Value'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Context for the gameplay functionality we are about to create.
  2. The best way to learn and become better at being a programmer.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Understand how to get even more value from this course in terms of your learning and skills.

(Unique Video Reference: 9_TV_CUD)

We would love to know…

  • What you found good about this lecture?
  • What we could do better?

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Hermeneutics is the theory and methodology of interpretation.

This alone gives credit to need for you to show me if You also explain. Trial and error doesn’t give the reason why.
For example. In the inspector panel for tiles there is an Apply button. You have to click this to avoid the reminder dialogue box if You change a value. But on the inspector panel for the camera the changes happen directly when changing a value.
I have noticed that an modern IPhone and an modern Android phone can behave differently.
It’s also about study techniques. I use to browse a textbook before course start, reading content page, the text below pictures, anything in boxes that high light a formula or a statement. This is to set up a framework for when I listen to a lecture. Thus enabling me to sort in the information in a structure and thereby gain knowledge.
Trial and knowledge is ineffective if you are confused by the errors, thus causing stress, and this leads to elevated levels of cortisol in the brain. Cortisol is a stress hormone that make you forget.
So when you are at the highest peak of your cortisol, and you manage to do it right, you might not remember how you did to make it right.

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