About 'Linear Interpolation For Position'!

  • How does linear interpolation work?
  • Overview of client interpolation.
  • Pseudocode for client interpolation.

(Unique Video Reference: 26_KK_UEM)

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Hey , I Am Confused Here

float LerpRatio = ClientTimeSinceUpdate / ClientTimeBetweenLastUpdates;

I Am Not Sure How The Lerp Ratio Is Calculated ,
Can You Please Explain Better??

As I Know :

So, LerpRatio = ClientTimeSinceUpdate / ClientTimeBetweenLastUpdates;
It Seems Like Small Division(s.d or scale) Of A Graph Not A Ratio , Right??

This isn’t really to do with gradients of a line. We are trying to figure out how far into an update cycle we are. The best guess we have as a client is that the next update will take as long to come as the last update. So we are essentially trying to guess our progress toward the next update. If the time between the last two updates was 5 seconds and it has been 2 seconds since the last update we are assuming it will be another 3 seconds till we receive the next update. So we try to lerp to 2/5 to keep up.

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