About 'Create Player Idle Animation'!

In this video (objectives)…

  1. Create player idle animation clip from sprite sheet.
  2. Add animation to Animator Controller.
  3. Add Sprite Renderer and Animator to Player character.

After watching (learning outcomes)…

Created 4 frames of 2d character idle animation which plays automatically when the game plays.

(Unique Video Reference: 6_TV_CUD)

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I noticed that the provided default player sprite is 4px too short to use the splice settings (32x32 with 6px padding). The ginger player is the correct size.

Well spotted!

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Wasn’t too hard to fix, so I just considered it an additional secret challenge!

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In this section i didn’t noctice changing the speed of animations. Default value of 60 was too high so i changed it to 12.

By the way, correct me if I am wrong - it is better to have stable number of samples across whole animations (eg. 30) and change animation speed specifycly by timline?

I made my on character!

This is "Zé Bombeta, O Bárbaro! In an loosely translation it’s like “Jacked Jack, The Barbarian”!





Here is mine for home use only of course, fan based game. Kids wanted me to make them a specific type of game.

It will be fun to see how bad I tank this project.

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Trying to make my own top down Zelda like game. I have been using Aesprite to make my sprites. Here is my first character(lots of work in progress).

I’ve been making my own tilemaps also, heres my grass tiles so far.

I have a ton to learn still and hope to learn what I need in this course to add to my project :slight_smile: Thanks for being here everyone!

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