Abilities Extensions

Hi, just showing the abilities I’ve added, I’m going with a concept of elements affecting specific stats
Wind - Stamina (attacking, sprinting), Water - Health (healing, damage), Fire - Spirit & Health (reducing, damage), Lightning - Spirit (gaining, stuns).

These are just three of the skills. Put some code in projectile to call a function on the target when collied.

These are some functions in the Buff script.

public override void StartEffect(SkillData data, Action finished, float effectMultiplyer)
    if (fighterBuff)
    else if (aoeSkillEffect)
           AOEElementSkills(data, effectMultiplyer);
           ElementSkills(data, effectMultiplyer);
private void ElementSkills(SkillData data, float stat)
       if (elementType == ElementType.Water)
                float statAmount = data.GetUser().GetComponent<TPFighting>().WaterBond();
                float gain = statAmount * (1 + stat / 100);

                foreach (var target in data.GetTargets())
                    var health = target.GetComponent<Health>();
                        health.AqualaGift(buffTime, gain);

        if (elementType == ElementType.Wind)
                float statAmount = data.GetUser().GetComponent<TPFighting>().WindBond();
                float gain = statAmount * (1 + stat / 100);

               foreach (var target in data.GetTargets())
                    var stamina= target.GetComponent<Stamina>();
                    if (stamina)
                        //stamina.LugindForce(buffTime, gain);
private void AOEElementSkills(SkillData data, float stat)
            GameObject self =  data.GetUser();
            if (elementType == ElementType.Fire)
                float statAmount = self.GetComponent<TPFighting>().FireBond();
                float elementBond = statAmount * (1 + stat / 100);

                self.GetComponent<Element>().SetAOEEffect(buffTime, elementType, elementBond);
            if (elementType == ElementType.Water)
                float statAmount = data.GetUser().GetComponent<TPFighting>().WaterBond();
                float gain = statAmount * (1 + stat / 100);

                foreach (var target in data.GetTargets())
                      var health = target.GetComponent<Health>();
                      if (health)
                            //health.AqualaGift(buffTime, gain);

The Debuff runs the same but calls function the do negative effects to targets. Time to move to the next lecture.


Truly incredible! Keep up the great work!

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