A man, not an orc

I’m going for a medieval/“middle earth ranger” look. I expanded the “loin cloth” a bit…

I’ll have to do work to make it look less like a prom dress; it is to be a manly warrior, after all.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to rig the clothing…though I might get some kind of cloth simulation to work.

Maybe I should have finished the “sculpt a head” course. He came out looking older than I intended, and a little droopy-faced.

I’ll put boots on the half-baked feet, and maybe something to dull the hand issues.


Interesting idea covering most of the body but the clothing will still be hard to do!


I decided to make alterations to the “dress”. The shrinkwrap helped me do that. This might be easier to rig. Now I have to work on it so it doesn’t look like pajamas.

The boots are an extruded cylinder that was shrinkwrapped.


Nice work on the sculpting and the clothing. Looks great.
Nice prom dress. Hope he has a date to go with :grin:.

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Nice work on the different clothing style. I like his hat very much. Looks so cool in this type of clothing. Have fun dude!

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