7.175: Using MeatBalls :)

Up until this time I had seriously thought that the title was “using MeatBalls”.

Regardless, I have created a picture fulfilling both requirements: A bug, and some meatballs!

I have not abandoned my Tavern Project, but I had an epiphany- I am spending two hours a day, five days a week on it. Why not spend half that time going through course work? Simple, but it took about five months to realize it: I can have my tavern and my coursework too!

P.S that one mushroom sort of looks like a cookie…

Now in colour (one lesson ahead)


They often get called that!

In your scene more flyballs, packaged for later consumption. :grin:

Nice spider.

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Ya… :unamused:

I realized if I did not stick them on a plate, they would look like some strange pile of organic material, or spider eggs, or, well, piles of typical spider food.

That being said, there is something missing with this scene: The spider is missing its fork and knife!

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