6.173: Final Final Project: Incomplete

Getting closer to the end goal is a very happy feeling, especially when the content comes out real nice.

This foundation course is very thorough and is helping me get comfortable with the software as well.


That is true. It is better to be happy with the content then to “Just get it done”- unless it is your job. If your boss likes it you still get paid :slight_smile:

It is, and it has been enjoyable. I am almost a year into it, the anniversary being sometime next month I think. After this project, I think I will take a break from taking a break and focus more exclusively on coursework once again. I still want to dabble with the Environments and Character courses. Fortunately, they are not so extensive, save that they extend the content learned in this foundational beast.

Happy modeling :+1:


:grinning: For sure. Bosses have the final say.

I am just a month into the course. All my knowledge comes from trial and error and youtube. So it is quite nice to learn from something this comprehensive. It definitely has filled some of the gaps in my knowledge of the software and how to model.

Happy modeling to you to :slight_smile: :+1:


Well, I am now 1 year old, I have reached my first full year on GameDev. :+1:


I will consider this thread finished at this point. It is getting long, but I will be finishing it after I am done the last section of this course (which I am currently on here). This will be a sort of “Finale” piece.

I am also looking to do the environmental section next. With the updated course it will be interesting to see how I could upgrade my own workflow should I do another building again on my own time.

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Wow really nice work!

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Thanks, I hope to finish once I get my Slow Loris out of the way.


I have completed a bunch of my tavern. I was holding off to show what I had until I had it more or less complete, but rather than letting it slip away, I would rather post what I have so far.

Mind the debris. Right now everything is sort of floating is space. That is how they build taverns you know, they do it all outside of orbit- much easier to build up there. After it is completed the space tavern will get grounded and be a normal ground tavern.

The lights were for other purposes, so they are not really fleshed out yet. The inside has been worked on too, save for the back taller portion- needing floors and rooms. The kitchen as well needs some love and care. But the inside will be another post for another day.

Here are my inspirations:

This part is seen on the outside, but also a major part of the inside construction. The entire building was built around these stone arcs.

But the rest of the architecture is based upon these three pictures above.


It looks AMAZING!! LOVE it!!!


Great ‘ramshackle’ building lay out, out the back.
Good and confusing arches reference.

I expect a green dragon in there somewhere too!


Yes… a Green Dragon Inn the front door maybe? It’s head sticking out?

At first I was thinking of a dwarven keep, but I like hobbit architecture better. I also like some of the “haphazard” yet architecturally sound medieval buildings that you get in some areas and eras. Much better than modern “Ramshackling” which is nothing more than the shapes game on steroids.

Shapes Game:



Looks great so far. I really like the deck.



The Tavern is now sealed up and some inner ceilings and floors have been added.

Here are some pictures:


Upstairs hall

I still have some floors to cut away and and realign, and the bedroom walls need to extend up to the ceiling, not to mention that the bedrooms will need some walls to divide them from each other. But I do not mind the progress.

The Kitchen will likely need some kitcheny things at some point: Shelves, cupboards, cauldrons, tools, and some form of food things laying about. The kitchen will be divided by a wall which will have storage on the side with the back shed, and the workspace on the other side.

The rooms will receive some basic furnishings once I have the main parts of the building squared away.

The main area will also need some more love and care, particularly the bar and counter area.

Eventually the building needs to sit on something more suitable, perhaps grass, or maybe a floating rocky island, just so I can copy an idea from one of the courses here.

The second picture shows a section of roof coming quiet low to the ground, this was originally intended to attach to my dungeon that I had made for the modular section of the course. Who knows, maybe it will still make its way there? I would have to “update” some of the style, but that would be a mere poking and prodding since that is a complete scene already.


Great project and being so big with many different areas there are a lot of things needed to fill it all! Then they all will need textures, :rofl:

Really is becoming a thing one needs to walk about in like a game environment. Or perhaps this new VR thing would suit that?

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Wow!! It looks amazing. Soo big,soo much space, lots of rooms and details. AWESOME!! :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:
All your ideas about the scenes you want to create seems amazing.It will be soooo cool to walk around in there. :star_struck: :star_struck:

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with this project @Zangk as you’re doing an amazing job on it. :grinning:


It started with an idea…

I was going to do something small, just a quick mock up of the picture above. Then another idea came…and another… and a tavern started to grow…

I know… I have done a little playing around. Good thing most of the textures are wood, metal, and rock based.

It is true, but the problem is it will be unlikely something I can simply drop into one without doing some major overhalls. Probably a video of some sort will have to suffice.

Thanks- its a tinker project. It has helped me understand workflow and how to reuse models that I have already made. I may work on it some, then jump to another course, and work on it some more. That new environments course seems to have some nifty tricks I may want to borrow.


I have that trouble, lol. For a while now constrained by an aging pc. I end up with lots of ideas getting abandoned due to some obstacle, frequently information, or reference deficit. More recently by the computer restriction.

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That is not necessarily even a bad thing. People tout that unrestrained creativity creates better quality art, but rather, at least in my opinion, restrained anything forces a man to be creative. Any energy that is focused has greater output, but any energy that is freely released everywhere disperses and can become useless.

Warning, a non-exhaustive tangent on creativity and a swipe at my own writing quality

Creativity comes into play in any discipline- it is the act of the mind overcoming some sort of problem be it visual, audio, technical, etc. A problem, of course, being some sort of limitation, otherwise it would not be classified as a problem. We have Aesop’s fables talking about this sort of thing.

If there is no problem, there is less chance for creative genius to grow, and stagnation tends to occur. This is where style develops- creativity is based upon the persons own mental capabilities and experience, but also knowledge and training- all combined turns into what we call style, which is really a way of saying: How this person particularly handles a particular set of problems.

Past approaches that are now hailed “Classical” evolved out of some of these limitations and restraints: Graphite, Red Chalk, Charcoal are all mediums based upon what was available in the area- i.e. the rocks and burnt wood that happened to be around. Paints were from pulverized rocks and plants. Then this knowledge was passed down and developed by pupils.

I found many works of art, literature, even television shows or movies were of better quality where there were more restraints. Diarrhea of the pen now happens because of computers with huge volumes of novels for a single series that don’t have enough content to fill a single 200 page book (Just look at most of my posts…:wink: ). Jules Vernes v.s. most science fiction writers, as an example.


All of this nonsense just to say: Your computer is likely doing you a “creative” favor, and inadvertantly pushing you toward your own personal creative style. :+1:


That is one way of looking at it or excusing my easy diversion at a hurdle. lol
Yes, I have experimented with geo nodes and odd bits and pieces recently that are smaller which will come in handy post a new machine. End of the year time hopefully. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Absolutely, the old need of a bit of grit to cause a pearl to be made.
There is far too much in modern times that see ‘creativity’ as this nonsense ‘art’. When in fact creativity comes from constraints and difficulties. The best craftsmen have creativity, and they make the real ‘art’. I have seen this in a workshop, good craftsmen that will make anything well if told what is wanted. Then the other few, will come up with the design, ideas, or just enhancements themselves.

What started the rot, imo, was photography, and since spread to all areas. Craftsmen painters saw their livelihoods disappearing. So a new generation pretended there was some value in rubbish thrown at a canvas that photographs (then) could not do. Best of all needing no skill or sheer time, work, to make, more like a photo. Since then there has been the lie of ‘art’ as some drivel spouted in snake oil salesman talk, basically con men.


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