I completed the challenge, saved my changes as backups, and then proceeded to follow the instructors methods.
I found that mine was a little shorter in some regards, but longer in others. PlayerViewPortLocation and Rotation, as well as the EndLineTrace became their own variables, while the rest of the code became a new function. The code set the variables and the rest took care of itself:
//Checks the Player Location and Viewport rotation
void UGrabber::GetLineEndTrace()
OUT PlayerViewPointLocation,
OUT PlayerViewPointRotation
LineEnd = PlayerViewPointLocation + PlayerViewPointRotation.Vector() * Reach;
This function was then placed in the TickComponent so to be checked every frame, updating the variables in the .h as needed.
float Reach = 100.f;
void GetLineEndTrace();
FVector LineEnd;
FVector PlayerViewPointLocation;
FRotator PlayerViewPointRotation;
I compiled… it ran through.
I pressed play… it worked.
So seems good to me.
As for the teacher’s code, I learned that an equation can be the return value, and that the function can be the variable in a parameter. It makes sense once you see it, even if you do not think of it at the time.