I’m having an issue with going in and out of the target state. Whenever I press tab, it’ll go into the targeting state, but when I press escape nothing happens. When I press tab again, it will take me out of the targeting state. Back in the video when we had to do the challenge of actually setting up the button configurations, I initially set it up for tab to go in and also tab to cancel out of targeting. I assumed that’s what we’re going to do. After the solution to the challenge was presented, I changed it over to Escape for cancel but for some reason it’s taking my first approach to the button configuration, it least that is what i think is happening. I went into the control script and did a search for tab and saw that it was set to target and that there were no other instances of the word tab and then I did a search for escape and it was set to the instance of cancel and that there are no other instances of the word escape in that script. I busted out the Xbox controller and the same thing happens with that the right trigger goes in and out of the targeting state. I can’t remember which buttons I initially put to those states before the challenge unfortunately.
I tried to troubleshoot by going into the controls changing target to E and cancel to Q saved it started the game and the same thing happened but with for those keys. When I press E it would take me into the state but when I pressed Q nothing would happen I press E and it would then cancel the state. If I press Q when I’m out of the state, still nothing happens.