I‘ll sort that out
Do you have someone who will Color him in the end? My drawing abilities ain’t that good ^^. But the one who drew the reference pictures did a very good job
Do you mean texture the model or are you thinking color drawings you can use as a reference?
We currently don’t have anyone that can do texturing. We will need to work on it.
I can try it, if you want
A suggestion if I may, @Manu_Scheller why not send them the UV Maps and let their artist come up with the texture that way?
That was in my mind as well, I can provide the normal and ao maps, together with the uv’s, then it could be coloured in photoshop.
a short test, using mixamo ^^. The cheekbone will be fixed in the next update.
niiice. I love it:ok_hand:t5:
WOW! I love the movements of your character!
Technically it’s not really mine (the movements), Mixamo can auto rig your model and has a huge library of movements you can use and download, for free. You can check it out.
Impressive work guys!
That´s COOL! Thank you for this precious information!!
Niice that’s what we’re looking for. Good work so far:ok_hand:t5:
Also. We don’t have anyone that knows how texture the models or use Photoshop. Would you be willing to take a stab at it for us?
Of course, i’ll Give it a shot