2024 Collab: Week 40 “Shiny arms for a Boss”

This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 40 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Shiny arms for a Boss”.

  • Shiny arms for a Boss - From big axes with strange additions to laser cannons that would need impossibly big muscles to move, magic wands with mysterious controls, maleficent-looking brooms, and powerful doughnut-launchers, everything can be supercharged for the biggest, strongest, and most powerful characters in a game. What can you offer for them?
  • Subject selected by the previous Week 38, 2024 “Things you see in Autumn" winner Megane_Wang

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-10-05T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


“Jax, Wins. Flawless, Victory.” Haha!


I saw donut launcher mentioned and I think that’s what I’ll do. I might also try a low-poly style, so the character wielding the weapon would be a bit easier to make.


The idea was working on the arm, so it can be even easier :wink: :grin:

Ok, I realized I’m actually busy this weekend and I won’t have time later to make anything, so I whipped up something simple using a a new style.



Blender Guru would be proud. Now it needs a speaker or something that screams “DONUT!” in Gordan Ramsay’s voice every time it fires XD

The outlines really make this pop, nice experiment!


I must say, that first thing clicked in my mind after reading the Title of this week challenge was:

I am doing it again, translating the topic too literal :smiley:, unfortunatelly do not have time to participate, so this is something I would create if I had a time.


You did see my reference, right? ;D

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Yes, I saw and I had to google it up, now I understand after seeing some short video :smiley: Never played this kind of game since Tekken 2 :smiley: :smiley:


Hahahaha, how crazy. I love it :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



Definitely not something I’d want to be on the wrong end of! :+1:

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Really scary, it suggests a lot of trouble for players against it. :smiley:

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I quickly composed something, using existing assets. May be a different composition for carrying the gun (which is the subject).


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