2023 Collab: Week 33 “Steam-driven vehicles” - VOTE CLOSED

I think I bit off more than I can chew with this one. Note to self, when asked to make a vehicle try to go for something small.
This is probably as far as I can take this:

I was originally planning more detail and texturing it but I’m honestly starting to get burned out working on this… I’ll see if I can do more tomorrow but this may be my final render for this week. It’s unfinished and not what I imagined but you get the idea I guess :yum:



That’s great detail you’ve incorporated in your vehicle. Very nicely done @Joey_Cuevas


WIP, just making a commitment to finishing this.




I am sure I will have no time to improve this one for tomorrow so I wanted to share it earlier as I was not submitting anything for couple of weeks now. I was overwhelmed with Unity courses but it was lovely to model this one.


The vehicle looks nice but the floor confuses me, what the heck is it standing on? Spaceship?


it is actually a tile of a pavement or a footway. I put it there to get some test renders but at the end I kinda liked it I guess :slight_smile:


Fair enough lol :+1:


Well no hope of getting anything done, but here is an update on the Stephenson’s Rocket I forlornly started for a previous collab, lol.

No textures, just plain colours, (many may not be vaguely right either yet), to make it look fractionally better. The great set of drawings I came across mentioned last time have been good, though my obsessive looking into it shows me some errors and missing bits. Plus there are museum ones that were updated from the original, so apparently real ones are not actually correct either. It is a minefield and it would be so nice not to care, lol.

Everyone else has made some really great vehicles this time.


I like it! I LIKE it!! I LIKE IT!!!

I like the way you have the bottom of the rail track partially sunken in the ground, proving it’s very heavy. As far as my thoughts are going, all you need is a puff of smoke coming up out of the crown top of the steam pipe, and you’ll be finished. :wink:


Yes, I also miss a little steam exhaust and or smoke …

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It is just out of the factory and has not been fired up yet, that is why it is so clean. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :thinking:


I’m not sure that this really fits the prompt, but it’s steam powered.


We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your own entry.

The new subject week 34 “How did that get there” has already started. The winner of this week’s “Steam-driven vehicles” challenge may select a subject for next week 35 and win a badge.


Haha. Did not even get close to finishing. But I’m getting very close to finishing the modeling part at least. I’ve aligned the coupling rods to be able to rig them easier later. The brake rigging needs work. The proportions of a lot of things are off and needs fixing. And then there are other some other parts I feel could be made a bit sleeker.

Haven’t started the texturing yet but here is a visualization of the color scheme.

I’m fine with taking my time with this project. I’m learning a lot along the way!


Also wanted to say wow, such a nice collection of steam-driven vehicles you guys made. All of them are so creative and unique. So fantastic to see!


@Joey_Cuevas Congratulations on your winning Collab entry “Steam-driven vehicles”. It has the looks of a steam-driven dragster. The small details make the machine huge and massive. Exactly what you expect of a steam engine. It looks also a bit “Steampunk”…

  • NP5 - Beautifull entry, and with some extra details (textures) it could be a winner.
  • VVruba - An exciting vehicle. Also a “Steampunk” style feel. I miss a bit more attention to the scale of things. The red cloth for example …
  • TheDispicableDM - I love this one because you’ve used Steam in a very nice way. You’ve interpreted “Steam-driven” in the correct way I think. It looks like a vehicle from Jules Verne’s stories. The use of more details will make the object larger in scale.
  • consummatumest - A great model constructed! It could use more material improvements, making it more natural. Like the floor. Presentation of the model counts too!
  • zeRgenTa - I think the scene is too far away from the subject “Steam-driven”. I saw what you were trying to build (many years ago I built a kid’s toy. A candle and a metal tube. hours of fun).

Note: I don’t want to offend anyone. I try to write down positive ideas and visions in my simple use of the English language. I am also sometimes more inspired by a particular subject or solution. I’m also learning from you!


A pity you didn’t participate, but I understand!

I know you’re work on this project for many months. It is difficult to do large projects and keep the interest in them. I think your nearly there. Texturing is hard to do. Making it more ‘natural’ takes a lot of time.

You model is beautiful, on scale and with a lot of tiny details. The next step is to make it less artificial and more natural. Keep us posted!


Yeah, the scale was a real challenge. I’ve restarted the project twice because of it and still couldn’t get it right. Doing large vehicles without a clear plan is really hard. Also, some details that I spent a bunch of time on went largely unnoticed because they got dwarfed by the scale of other things like the balloon… I think a smaller vehicle where you could really show off the details was the best way to go about this. @Joey_Cuevas got the right idea.


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